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Maria was nearly eight years old when she began intrigued by fencing. During the course of the next four years, her innate abilities leaves off even as her passion for the sport increased. Sometime before her thirteenth birthday, Maria's father witnessed her mock-sword fighting with some local boys. They were playing with sticks. He watched her with keen interest as she beat off her opponents one by one. He saw that she was beating the boys. The boys were swinging their stick swords as hard as they could, but Maria was avoiding their attacks with great ease. Their weapons never touched her. Finally, they gave up and left.
"You had some pretty good moves there, daughter!"
"Thank you, father," responded Maria. Shocked by his sudden appearance.
"Where did you learn to fence?"
"Oh, I just picked it up."
"Who were those boys you were fencing with?"
"They were just some local boys."
"They were kind of young, were they not?"
"Actually, they are older than I am."
Diego de La Vega thought about this for a few moments before continuing. He was quite surprised at just how talented his daughter was. The sport seemed quite natural for her.
"Well, perhaps, I could show you some things about fencing."
"You would teach me?"
"Your mother would not like that."
"She does not have to know."
"You know how your mother is about swords."
"I know you could show me some things that could help me. Mother does not have to know that you are teaching me to fence."
"Let is make sure that your mother does not find out."

The Girl who loved FencingWhere stories live. Discover now