Chapter 14

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A/N: Would love it if you could vote and comment if you like it, thank you SO much!!  This chapter is dedicated to @jpy-sofine, my un-official British dialect consultant (although any and all errors in that department are mine and mine alone!). Do yourself a tremendous favor and check out her incredible story, Lines We Forget!!

I stayed true to my word to Maggie and maximized every minute with Alex. Sleeping next to him had become my new favorite thing ever. Scratch that, my SECOND favorite thing ever, as the only thing better than sleeping in a bed with Alex was... not sleeping in a bed with Alex.

We resumed our previous schedule of doing little each day, although our beach time was severely limited due to our inability to leave his bedroom for hours at a time. My friends had always talked about the early days of a new relationship, when you were both insatiable and were having sex constantly, and we were definitely in that stage. I was likely even more consumed with it as I was still learning so much from Alex every day.

After a couple days, we gave up all pretense of living separately when Alex told me to just move my stuff over, that it was silly for me to have to go over there to shower and get clothes every day when he had plenty of space for me at his villa. I completely agreed but hadn't felt like I could suggest it for fear that I'd scare him. I knew some guys got really freaked out about girls having so much as a toothbrush at their place and as everything was going so perfectly with us, I hadn't wanted to mess with things.

The day I finally moved completely in, we made plans for another double date with Maggie and Alex, this time to go to one of the open air movies I'd been so excited about, then to a bar for drinks. We'd each have to drive separately as we each only had two seater mules but that worked out fine as no one would want to be in the back seat anyway as it would be harder to see the screen. I ran to my villa briefly to borrow one of Maggie's dresses that she'd left behind, as well as few little things I had found I'd forgotten, then rushed back to be with Alex again.

"Hello?" I said, letting myself back into his villa. As I was essentially living there, I didn't really think I had to knock but I still didn't want to catch him completely unaware.

"Oh, hi," I said to Robert, who was sitting on the couch, "is Alex around?"

"He's on the phone, I'm sure it will just be a moment."

I saw Alex pacing on the deck, talking with his hands although clearly the person on the phone couldn't see him. He looked very serious -- not upset, precisely, but intense.

"That doesn't look so good, does it?" I asked Robert.

He just smiled at me and said nothing, which made me feel a bit guilty, like I was trying to get Alex's guards to gossip with me about him or something. As if it weren't awkward enough knowing there were always security people around, now I've given them a bad impression of me, I thought.

For something to do, I started to head into the kitchen to grab something to drink. "I'm going to get some water, Robert, do you need anything?"

"No, thank you for asking though."

When I returned with my bottle of water, Alex was still on the phone, so I told Robert I would be in Alex's room and went and hopped in the shower, dying of curiosity about Alex's phone call.

After I got all wet, I realized I had forgotten my toiletries in my bag in Alex's room. I looked around for shampoo (I figured conditioner would be an extreme long shot) and soap - I saw a bottle that could be either and picked it up to look at more closely. It was body wash, black peppercorn; I opened the top and took a big sniff. Yep, that was Alex. As it was the only soap in there, I went ahead and lathered up with it, figuring that it was a gender neutral enough scent, plus I was happy to smell like Alex anyway.

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