Intangible Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Waking up to half a dozen faces staring at me is more than a little unnerving. I gasp at the sight and cringe away from them. A hand closes down on my shoulder. The touch feels strange, like my skin is distorted. Yanking my arms away from the hand, I stare at the bare parts of my arms. I don’t know what I expected to see, but my skin looks exactly as it should.

“What… what happened?” I ask.

“That’s what we’re all wondering,” my teacher, Mr. Malone, says.

Robin shoulders through the crowd and offers me her hand. “Back off,” she tells everyone. “Let her get up, for crying out loud.”

Hayden is right behind her. He gets past the other students and kneels down next to me, stopping Robin from pulling me up. I’m grateful for it, because my head is not feeling quite ready for movement. Robin quits trying to get past Hayden and goes back to getting everyone else out of my face.

It’s a slow response, but eventually my fellow students take a step back. Once I give him the okay, Hayden helps me back to my feet slowly as Mr. Malone looks on worriedly. I don’t think the majority of the students at my high school had any clue who I was until the story about the attack was broadcasted. Now everyone knows me all too well. I can feel their eyes glued to me like gawkers at a car accident, wondering what catastrophe will befall me next.

Lately, I find myself wishing I was the one who was invisible.

“I’m fine,” I say. “Sorry for causing a scene.”

Mr. Malone rubs his chin, looking a bit unsure. “Why don’t you go down to the nurse? Just to be safe. You’ve been through a lot lately. I’d hate to ignore this and have something happen to you.”

I hate the idea of drawing more attention to myself, but I really don’t know what just happened and I’m a little freaked out. “Uh, yeah. Probably a good idea.”

“I’ll take her,” Robin volunteers.

“I think it’d be better if I take her,” Hayden argues.

Not that I don’t appreciate his offer, but I know Hayden won’t leave if he takes me down to see the nurse. I do not want to spend the afternoon with him. I can’t handle that right now. “Uh, it’s okay, Hayden. Maybe Robin should take me.”

“Why?” Hayden doesn’t look interested in backing down.

Thankfully, Mr. Malone comes to my rescue. “Hayden, I’m not sure that would be appropriate. No offense, but I think Robin should take her.”

Looking superior, Robin grabs my backpack in one hand and swings her own onto her shoulder. She nearly topples over from the force, but some guy with blonde hair catches her in time. Robin mumbles a quick thanks before stepping up to me. I’m not usually one to need people, but I let Robin help. When she puts a hand under my biceps to help me up, I nearly cringe away. My skin stills feels weird, like it wants to go somewhere else, with or without me. It’s more than a little disturbing.

Hayden runs a hand down my arm. It seems difficult for him not to grab me. The pained expression on his face is almost enough to make me change my mind… but I don’t. I smile weakly at him and look to Robin.

“I’ll call you,” Hayden says, “and you can call me if you need anything.”

The desperation in his voice hurts. “I know. Thank you, Hayden.”

Finally, he lets me go and allows Robin to start leading me away.

“If the nurse sends her home,” Mr. Malone says, “which I’m sure she will, she probably shouldn’t drive herself. Make sure either you or one of her parents drives her.”

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