Intangible Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Selfish Desires


The Britton’s watch my every move. After four days, I’ve reached my limit. I can’t go any longer without contacting Olivia. I know the Brittons are keeping such a tight leash on me because stepping outside could mean my death, but only if I make a mistake.

I creep over to the window in my bedroom knowing it will be screwed to the sill. All the windows are like this. The Brittons didn’t start these precautions the day I got here. Molly has spent her life like this, and it shows. She appreciates that the Brittons have never once lost an Aerling, but I can see in her eyes how much she hates being their virtual prisoner. I don’t like it much either.

Approaching the window, I consider my options. I don’t want to leave any evidence that I ever left, but I can’t wait any longer. Something happened to Olivia yesterday. I don’t know what it was, but I suspect it wasn’t good.

The total lack of conscious thought that struck so suddenly yesterday only lasted a few seconds before my head started pounding. All I could think about afterward was Olivia. I don’t remember saying anything, but Molly later told me that I kept whispering “Ollie” over and over again. I stood up at some point and started pacing, trying to find a way out of the house. The overwhelming desire to find Olivia possessed me entirely.

Then, all of a sudden, it was gone. Like someone turned off a light. I stopped pacing, my hands fell from my head, and I just stood there feeling confused. Poor Molly was freaked out, but she kept her calm amazingly well and didn’t call for help. When I came out it, she simply led me back to where we were sitting and told me to breathe. Neither of us could figure out what it meant, but I knew going much longer without talking to Olivia was simply not going to happen.

I press my palms flat against the glass determinedly. It’s no secret that I’m stronger than the average human, but not superhumanly so. I’m not that much of a freak. Even still, as I strain to push the window up, I hope I am just enough of a freak to pull the screws from their moorings. The muscles of my forearms bulge. I push harder as panic that this will not work begins to set in. I have to know Olivia is all right. I push again with no results and yank my hands away from the glass in frustration.

Desperate, I try to summon my power. I sink my awareness deep inside anyway, but the ability to focus is beyond me. I slam my fist into a pillow in anger. Why can’t I do this? I want to scream, but the quiet of the Britton house only intensifies my agony.

The emotions raging through my head blocks out everything. I turn around to find Molly standing behind me and jump away in fright. My heart is racing and I have to grab onto a bed post to keep myself from stumbling. How did I not hear her come in? How did she get in? The door was locked. I look down at her with narrowed eyes. Her head dips knowingly.

“I can help you get out of the house,” she says quietly, “but only if you take me with you.”

My intense need to hear Olivia’s voice almost forces the answer out of my lips. A moment of common sense stops me. “Molly, I can’t put you in danger like that.”

“What danger? You’ve been out among humans all your life. You know how to stay safe, don’t you? You can show me. I’ll do whatever you say. I promise.” Her hopeful eyes stare up at me.

I put off answering her in favor of a question. “How did you get into my room? The door was locked.”

A timid smile slips onto Molly’s face. “You’ve never asked me what my talent is.”

“You’re a master thief?” I guess playfully.

Molly grins. “Not exactly, but close.”

She walks over to the door and locks it once again. Before she does anything else, she motions for me to join her. I don’t hesitate to do as she says. The mischievous smile on her face is a little disconcerting, but equally exciting, too. Molly holds a finger to her lips, asking me to be quiet, and then lends all her focus to the door knob.

Intangible (Invisible #2 SAMPLE)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant