~ 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓔𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝔂-𝓝𝓲𝓷𝓮 ~

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Chapter Eighty-Nine: The Quidditch World Cup

As the sun began to set over the campsite, the wizards around got more excited, the atmosphere around them felt electric

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As the sun began to set over the campsite, the wizards around got more excited, the atmosphere around them felt electric. Even the Ministry wizards had given up controlling the crowd as blatant signs of magic began popping up all over the field.

Lina herself was extremely excited, the twins were singing and dancing around the tent and had gabbed her hands twirling Lina around. Lina, along with Mr Weasley, Bill, Charlie and Ginny were all wearing Irish colours, Lina had offered to buy the twins some merchandise but they had outright refused, even pushing Lina away from the salesperson so she wasn't able to.

Finally, when Harry, Ron and Hermione returned from buying there own souvenirs and Lina had been spun around to the point she thought she might be sick, a deep booming gong sounded somewhere beyond the woods, at once, green and red lanterns blazed into life in the trees lighting the patch to the pitch.

"It's time," Mr Wealsey said looking as excited as his kids "come on, let's go" Mr Wealsey led the group in a quick walk through the woods, they all talked and joked loudly until they emerged on the other side where a massive golden wall stadium stood proudly before them causing Lina's mouth to pop open. "Seats a hundred thousand," Mr Wealsey said "Ministry task force of five hundred has been working on it all year. Muggle - Repelling Charms on every inch of it. Every time Muggles have got anywhere near here all year, they've suddenly remembered urgent appointments and had to dash away again...bless them" he said fondly and lead them towards the nearest entrance, which was already surrounded with a swarm of shouting witches and wizards.

"Prime seats," a Ministry witch said at the entrance when she checked the tickets "top box! Straight upstairs, Arthur and as high as you can go."

The stairs to the stadium were carpeted with rich purple, the group of eleven kept climbing the stairs higher and higher until they reached the top of the staircase and into a small box.

Lina bent over, her hands on her knees and gulped down air "Merlin I hate stairs" she said to herself.

"You alright there Lee?" Charlie asked patting her on the back sounding amused, Lina stuck her thumbs up and straightened up.

There were around twenty purple Charis stood in two rows in the box. The group all filled in and took their seats. Lina sat in between Ginny, who had Charlie and then Bill on her other side and Fred who had George on his other side.

Around the stadium, a hundred thousand witches and wizards were taking their seats. Lina cast her eyes around, past both the three golden hoops at each end of the stadium and as she did she wondered where Cedric was amongst all the faces she couldn't clearly make out, for a moment she thought about asking Harry if she could borrow his Omnioculars to look but quickly cast that thought aside - no that would be weird.

Over the next half an hour the box filled up with other witches and wizards, Mr Weasley was constantly getting up from his seat to shake their hands we well as Percy but he ended up resembling more of a leapfrog. When Cornelius Fudge entered the box, Percy bowed so low that his glasses fell off and shattered, embarrassed he fixed them and thereafter remained firmly in his seat.

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