We thought it was a good idea...

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So at the time, a book full of magical costume ideas, seemed like a great idea. It was October 31, and the night of a Hallowe'en dance at Hogwarts. Lets dive into the start of the story...
"Alright how about...this!"
Ron's jaw dropped open as the whole dorm burst into laughter. Harry had jumped out from behind his bed in a monstrous tangle of bed sheets, that he tried to tie into a toga. Key word; tried.
He pouted as he caught sight of Seamus wheezing and red faced, next to him Dean who was busy hyperventilating to make sure he could breath. He turned to Neville hoping for support, but Neville was doubled over, tears streaming down his face as he laughed. His eyes swiveled to Ron who had recovered from his shock and was just starting to laugh.

"All right you lot." He snarled, "Stop laughing and help me!
His command was either unheard or ignored, because the laughter continued for 7 minuets straight.

"Are you done?" Harry snapped, evidently not very threatening to Seamus, who wheezed
"You...you...call that....a...toga?!" 
"Shut up Seamus."
"Why'd you wait til last minuet anyway?"
"Why're you a pumpkin?"
"Hey don't be mean, i'm trying to help!"
"Help my arse Dean..."
"Why did you wait?"
"Well me and Ron were just going to go as ourselves, maybe rip up our robes a bit, then Hermione came and told Ron she got them a couples costume."
"Sorry mate."
"Yea, Romeo and Juliet, horror style! My Gran read the play."
Harry sighed and slunk behind the bed again, throwing on his robes.

"Go as a food like us!" Someone (Seamus, he thought) shouted. Peeking his head out from behind as he shrugged his clothes on he eyed Seamus, Dean, and Neville. Dean was dressed in a large round orange costume, a green stem attached to his head, evidently, a pumpkin. Seamus was a cucumber, and found it funny to paint his face green as well, and Neville was an oval type of watermelon. Dressing up had apparently been a Muggle thing, however Mcgonagall thought it a brilliant idea, so Hogwarts first ever Hallowe'en costume party was in play. Seamus, Dean, and Neville had thought they had the best costumes, and Harry didn't know if he was just sour about his own costume dilemma, but he didn't fancy being an asparagus. 

"I can't go without a costume, because..?" He asked, finally stepping out. 
"Because its LAME!" Harry rolled his eyes, turning to Ron who was busy digging through something.
The rest of the boys realized as well, and Neville piped up.
"Hey Ron, what're you doing?"
Ron finally stood up and turned around, holding a large book in his hands.
"Aha! Before Mione' picked our costumes, she lent me this book to search for 'more suitable costume ideas' then the ones Harry and I had picked."
Harry glanced at it warily.
"It's safe?"
"When has Hermione failed us?"
So that's why all the other boys hunched over the book, trying to find something for Harry to wear. Harry wasn't allowed to look, because apparently he needed to stand in front of them so they could figure out the 'best costume for your physique' and 'we need to get something small' and 'mate you're short, deal with it' and 'we are not trees!' and 'stand there so we can find something flattering' and now they were throwing out such ridiculous ideas that Harry wondered if his toga was really that bad.

He only noticed then that they were quite quiet, and at first he thought, silent. No, no no, they were whispering, and a few giggles could be heard. A sense of foreboding was creeping up on him as he strained to hear.

"He'd..go through..th..it"
"We could.....y..ow?"
"He'd loo..et!"
Then they stopped and nodded. Harry immediately took two steps back.

"I can wandlessly hex you." He warned. "What are you going to do?"
"We found a costume!" Seamus was way too cheery.
"Guys seri-AHCK" And then he was on the floor, wrestling with Seamus, who was way too tall for his own good.
Laughter was so loud above him that Harry hoped they'd be too busy giggling to do anything.

No such luck.
So that was how he found himself standing next to a pumpkin, a cucumber, a watermelon, and a blood covered Romeo and Juliet. Unfortunately, he was standing there, with black fuzzy, pointed cat ears on, a black long tail sticking out from above his rump, and whiskers drawn onto his face. Sadly, Hermione had banned him from cursing them until tomorrow because of the party.
He was fuming.
"Don't be upset Harry! You look adorable!" And that was the wrong thing to say when Harry turned and glowered at her. She quickly opened the door inside, and he followed with his arms crossed like a petulant child. The ears and tail had been charmed to stick, because that's a thing now, and the whiskers were quite wobbly, as they had been drawn on while he was pinned down.
The rest of the party went like a party did. Harry didn't think about his parents, he turned his trusty wand on anyone who asked to pet him or called adorable, he had to yank his tail out of Seamus's hands multiple times, he fixed his crooked glasses, and then the ears and tail had tingled, so he left and demanded the boys fix him.

And here they are.

"What do you mean...'it won't work?'"
"I mean!" Ron brandished his wand "I'm using the counter spell. It isn't, er, coming undone."
"Oh dear..." Hermione's small mumble was heard.
"Here uh. lets try this!" Ron and Dean stepped up to Harry, and Neville stepped behind.
"I don't kno-" and then he screamed because it bloody hurt.
The next twenty minuets were spent with spell after spell after spell being cast on Harry, the whiskers came off, he tails and ears, did not. They pulled, they charmed, they cursed, the poked at them. 
It wouldn't work. Harry was panicking to say the least.

"Alright alright! Stop!"

The boys paused in the middle trying a switching charm on who knows what, and the ears.

"We need to clarify what we're dealing with."


"We will experiment."

Harry groaned.
Seamus cackled.
Dean winced.
Neville gave a sympathetic pat on the back.
And Ron was very scared for what Harry would do to him if they couldn't get the ears and tail off.

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