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Evidently Harry needed to remember that he had extra appendages now, because he had left his tail hanging out of the tree.

Malfoy had great joy yanking on it.

Harry scowled up at the amusement making itself so apparent. Malfoy's hands were in his pockets, and he was bent gracefully over Harry, just so Harry's vision of the blue sky was blocked by him from the shoulders up.
Damn the bastard for being able to look so-so-so frustrating! And jovial and blond and elegant and tall and stupid and Malfoy!

He did get a brief sense of satisfaction when that mask cracked as he stood up, brushed himself off, and shouldered by Malfoy to begin walking away. A flicker of unease shadowed the other mans face. 

Harry didn't make it three steps.

"Never turn your back on the enemy Potter, were you not taught this in Dark Lord defeating?" He taunted.

If looks could kill...Harry's green eyes burned as he sprawled on the grass.
Stupid tail.

Harry was going to be mature. Yes he was.
And then Malfoy had jingled a bell.
The audacity! Harry had momentarily been transfixed, and though it had lasted for a second at most, one look at Malfoy's face told him it had been noticed.
Harry whipped out his wand, suddenly all too aware of his broom by the tree, and wondered whether he could summon it to ride away upon.

"Malfoy. I am warning you." 

"See, told you." Malfoy jingled the bell again before vanishing it.
"A challenge." 

Harry contemplated his next move. Malfoy seemed to mistake this for complacency, or shock, because he smirked, before looking around. 
Narrowing his eyes, he felt a sense of Déjà vu before wordlessly summoning his broom. The whistle of the wind had alerted Malfoy and stopped him from his...dirt searching.

Unfortunately, Harry had always been faster (In his own words, and against Malfoy's) and jumped his broom just as Malfoy's jaw dropped.

He made it to the Quidditch pitch not 3 minuets later.
Try as he might, Harry was just unable to erase the conversation with Malfoy from his mind. Ron and Hermione had both asked if he was okay, what was bothering him, and he had waved them off did he even explain this?

'Oh by the way I got stuck in a tree because I was distressed and Ron turned me into a cat so the instincts made me want to climb it and then Malfoy appeared and confused me with his cynical messages and then called me a cat and then I was hotheaded and alerted him to my position and then he as good as told me he fancied me and wanted to shag me senseless and then yanked on my tail and then I pulled a 'Harry year 4' and rode the fuck out but now I can't get it off my mind and i'm not sure if it makes me a weirdo or a teenager.' Definitely not.

But that's the thing. Malfoy's words had made his heart speed up a bit, and when he had said he wanted to wreck Harry's control...he hadn't felt disgusted like he probably should have.
For multiple reasons.

Harry didn't sleep a wink that night.

A/N: Hiiii! I know I'm horrible I'm horrible! I don't show up for nearly a month and then dump this short crap on you? I'm sorry and I promise the next will be extra long.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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