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It was around midnight when I awoke to the sound of a baby crying. It's wailing pitch was even strong enough to wake me out of a dead sleep as I brushed the covers off my body and slipped into a robe that I kept near the edge of my bed at all times. Through the pitch black darkness and what little moonlight there was, I still managed to find my way to the nursery as I tied the sash around my waist and shushed the infant as I reached into the crib and gently rubbed its chest.

"There, there. Everything's okay now. Mummy's here."

The baby's cries did nothing but continue on as I picked her up and held her against my shoulder as I rocked from side to side in the hopes that it would settle her down. When that didn't work, I left the room and went straight for the kitchen where a bottle of baby formula was waiting in the refrigerator. From there, I went to the sink and ran it under some hot water until the bottle felt warm to the touch. Then, I placed the rubber tip against her lips as she immediately began to suck on it hungrily as if her life depended on it.

Relief washed over me in the same instant as I walked over to the massive window in the living room and looked out over the city streets below. Droplets of rain streaked against the glass, creating a continuous endless tear that reminded me of my own that I shed all those months ago, for the man who hurt me during what should've been the happiest moment in our lives. The day I found out I was pregnant. I remember it like it was yesterday and even though the pain had receded, the fire that raged inside of me continued to burn.

A gentle push pulled me away from my thoughts as I looked down at my beautiful baby girl with eyes so dark they reminded me of him, her father. The bastard wolf. I shook my head. And returned the bottle to the fridge as I walked down the hallway, patting my baby on her back until she let out a cute little burp that signaled the end of a delicious nightcap. I laid her down in the crib, cranked up the mobile hanging over her head, and kissed her goodnight when I heard a knock at the door.

I frowned as I turned on the heel of my foot and left the room as I stormed back down the hall yet stopped short when I reached the door. The hair on the back of my neck stood up on end as a familiar scent reached my nose. I gasped softly. How'd he find me here? And what's he doing showing up in the middle of the night? Three more knocks sounded as I hesitated for a bit. But just as my hand grasped the handle, his voice appeared from the other side. Alluring, seductive, and dripping with sin.

"I know you're in there. It would be wise to let me in."

I bit my tongue, counted to three, turned the lock back and eased the door open, but not all the way. He stood there framed in the doorway, his black shirt hidden beneath a worn-out leather jacket with a hoodie. His jeans hugged the curves of his long legs while a pair of black motorcycle boots added another two inches in height. I had to crane my head back just to look him in the eye but not before making a pit stop at his lips. Noticing the early signs of facial hair that made him look even more irresistible.

He blinked and glanced over my shoulder into the apartment behind me. His nostrils flared as he sniffed the air. A sign that told me he was curious if there was another man in here, in my bed. Hmph. I would've loved to have seen his reaction on that one, I thought to myself. Whether this was true or not, it still wouldn't be any of his business. He had no right to judge me. Not after what he did. That's why I'm here. That's why I'm halfway across the country. To get away from him. And possibly start a new life.

"What are you doing here, Luke?"

Leaning his head against the doorframe, he sighed. "I miss you. Please come home."

"No. You broke my heart. Now go before I call the cops."

"Do you really think a bunch of cops can stop me from getting what I want?"

MIDNIGHT PLEASURE (A SECOND CHANCE NOVEL)Where stories live. Discover now