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MAddy's POV

“Why is this taking so long” I complained as I was now sat next to Sherri while holding Tyler Sherri was holding Poppy as Kayla was just playing on her phone I’m guessing talking to Liam. We are waiting for Aspen to hurry up and have the baby, we have been waiting for three hours and have heard nothing Zayn hasn’t giving us an update and I don’t expect Aspen to waddle out and tell us anything as she is the one giving birth. “Could you please stop pulling faces at Tyler I don’t want him to start” Kayla laughed at me “he won’t even remember this shit” I laughed “I agree with Maddy on this one they won’t remember the things we do now” Sherri spoke. It was then we noticed Bell had been really quiet I looked over at her and she seemed so focused on her phone but also she looked so upset and that worries me.

“Bell are you okay” I questioned as she looked up at me her eyes filled with tears, “ohh yeah I’m good” she spoke as she looked back down at her phone. I got up and walked over to Bell I mean I don’t want her upset over anything at all, Bell and I have become really close since I help her get out of her so called father’s hold and we do spend quiet sometime together. “Bell you can tell me anything you know” I told her as she looked up at me once again “it’s just” is all she could say before bursting out in tears. It was then I took her phone off her and started to see what she was looking at and sure enough it was Twitter. People was talking shit about her and saying she doesn’t deserve Niall and that she should just kill herself and so much more I rolled my eyes and got off Twitter soon to have locked her phone. “Bell don’t read what they say, we have all been through it you even know I went through it and in all honesty nothing they say or write is true they don’t know us all they see are photos and they can only go of off the things the lads say, so really please don’t read any of it I don’t even go to Twitter anymore because of it and neither do the other girls I mean we only go on to upload photos or tweet something to Harry or the others but we don’t look at what others say about us for a reason there is no point on getting upset over what people think about us” I told her as she nodded I pulled her into a hug “keep your head up” I whispered just as Zayn burst into the waiting room he looked like he had been crying and looked as if he was ready to burst out crying again.

“We had a little girl” Zayn spoke as a tear rolled down his cheek “can we come in” I questioned while he nodded and we all shot up and ran into the room where Aspen was sitting on the bed holding their baby girl “she is way too cute to be yours Zayn” I smiled “Shut up you little shit” Zayn spoke as he walked over to Aspen. “So what’s her name” I questioned “Mia Rose” Aspen spoke quietly we could all tell she just wanted to sleep so we all had a small cuddle with Mia and soon enough we had all left to go to our own houses. When I walked up to the front door I sighed as Lola was running around the front and I never let her out the front as I am always scared that something is going to happen to her. So I picked her up and made my way inside the door was unlocked witch freaked me out I never leave the door unlocked.

I bit my lip as I walked into the kitchen my heart pounding I must say I feel like I am about to die. I could hear people talking in the kitchen so I made my way there still holding Lol close to me. I let out a loud sigh as it was only Gemma and Anne in the house “Maddy” Gemma yelled as I rolled my eyes “I thought you guys were going to kill me” I told the two as I put Lola on the ground and then hugged a still laughing Gemma and soon to be in Anne’s arms as she held me tight. “So Harry asked us to come over he said you had something to tell us that was really important” Anne spoke while I nodded. “Yeah umm I really wanted him to be here so we could tell you together but he isn’t going to be home anytime soon so anyways I’m pregnant Harry and I are going to be parents” I told the two. Anne started to cry “you did the hanky panky” Gemma yelled this only made Anne and I laugh uncontrollably. “Really Gem?’ I questioned while she nodded “and they say you are the better Styles” I questioned only to have her jaw dropped “I am the better Styles thank you” Gemma spoke wow I think she has spent too much time with Louis or something. “Is you say so but last time I checked I am the better Styles” I laughed sticking my tongue out at her “girls” Anne spoke we both sighed as we looked at Anne “no more” she spoke “yes mum” Gemma and I replied in unison as we burst out laughing only to have Anne roll her eyes at the two of us. “Well you seem to be in good shape so I will be off and Maddy Gemma be good and don’t get into any trouble” Anne spoke as she walked out the door and to her car. Gemma and I waved at her as she drove off “Lets party” Gemma yelled “I can’t party I am pregnant ohh and on top of that the people I would normally party with are either looking after their kids or still at the hospital or at home being boring as they Skype their boyfriends” I tell Gemma as she rolled her eyes.

“Ahh why are you all so shit anyways lets go out and get food it’s almost 9” Gemma spoke I nodded and walked up stairs to get changed. I slipped on ripped blue jeans and a black singlet. I walked back down to Gemma and soon enough we were in my car I was driving to Nando’s as that’s all Gemma wanted to eat and I’m not really fussed on what I want to eat so I don’t really care what we eat as long as I get fed. We pulled up to Nando’s there weren’t many people around the outside but I knew it will change once people found out Gemma and I were out having a late dinner. We made our way in and were seated within a few minutes and we both began to look at the menu. Gemma ended up getting a burger but I settled for hot chips and I love hot chips ever since I was little I would only get hot chips when we would go out for lunch or dinner. “So do you know what you are having” Gemma questioned “not yet but don’t worry you will be one of the first to know” I told her with a small smile. “Do you want to know I mean like would you like a surprise for when you have the baby” she asked while I shook my head “I want to know but I don’t know what Harry wants we didn’t end up talking about any of that I mean we still have to pick out names and all that” I spoke as the waiter bought our food and drinks over to us “thanks” Gem and I spoke in unison as the waiter walked away with a small nod.

After dinner we didn’t bother going anywhere else as people had now crowded Nando’s and I really didn’t feel like talking to paps or any one direction fans today I mean they ask questions that are just too personal. “Maddy are you and Harry splitting up” One guy yelled as we walked through the sea of people “no we aren’t” I told him knowing they would keep asking if I didn’t respond “why isn’t he here with you then I mean his sister is” another person yelled “because he is working in the US” I told him as we got closer to the car. “Have you seen Liam’s babies he tweeted a few photos of them when they were born” a girl asked “yeah I have I got to hold them when they were first born they are beautiful” was the last thing I said as Gem and I got into my car and soon enough I was driving down the road so we could go home and I could sleep as I have work tomorrow. We got into the house and I fed Lola and River and soon enough I was in my bed still missing my husband I sent him a quick text saying good night and telling him that I love him and soon enough I had fallen asleep.

I woke to my alarm going off and slowly rolled out of bed and when I say rolled I mean rolled until I fell on my arse but slowly got up off the floor and walked to my bathroom having a shower and getting dressed in a cute baby pink dress that went to my knees. After getting dressed I put my hair in a ponytail and out a light coat of makeup on. I then walked down to the kitchen and made myself a cup of tea (just wondering do you all call it Tea or a cup of tea or a pot of tea because I got in an argument over it the other day and I would really like it if you guys commented to tell me what you guys think). I took a seat on the sofa and turned the TV on to listen to some music I smiled as Demi Lovato came on and Skyscraper was playing as this is one of my favourite songs of hers I mean I love them all but I really love this song. Once I had finished my tea I put it in the sink and turned off the TV soon to be making my way back upstairs to brush my teeth. After I was done I packed my bag and left to go to work, I was happy when I got to work to see my friend Andy working he is pretty cool. “Hey Mads how are you” he spoke as he spotted me “I’m good tired but good” I spoke with a smile on my face I love working it’s a great distraction when missing Harry witch is all the time so when I work I get to focus on something other than Harry being away.

The shop got pretty busy for a few hours but died down as the day slowly came to an end, I said my goodbyes and got back in my car and made my way home to see Gemma sitting out the front on the phone I didn’t bother asking who she was on the phone to I mean it really isn’t any of my business. I gave a small wave and went inside only to see Lola and River cuddled up on the sofa I smiled and took a photo of the two and soon to be tweeting it with the caption ‘Lola and River are too cute” and that was that. It was 4:30 so I decided to go see Aspen at the hospital as she will be going home tomorrow. “Gem I’m going to see Aspen did you want to come” I called out “okay” she yelled back and soon enough we were both in my car and driving to the hospital we didn’t really talk I mean there was nothing to talk about and every time someone mentioned Harry I would cry or just go really quiet as I miss him so much and it sucks because there is nothing that I can do about it. We got to the hospital and made our way to Aspens room this is the first time Gemma is going to meet Mia so it’s kinda cute and also Gem is heaps keen to have a cuddle with the little girl. We had been in the hospital for almost an hour when Gemma finally gave Mia to me so I could have a cuddle “Maddy are you excited to be able to hold your baby in 7 months?” Zayn questioned “yeah I think so” I told him while he gave a small laugh. “What do you want to have?” Aspen questioned “I want a boy I think I really don’t know” I laughed as I looked at Mia she was so perfect that I could say I mean come on she is Zayn and Aspen’s baby so she was bound to be perfect.

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