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I ran away from the crash site, tearing through the trees and undergrowth, not looking back once. I was pretty sure whoever had attacked us was gone because it was very dark and I couldn't hear a thing except the pounding of my feet and heart, which felt one. Darkness stretched out before me and I had no idea where I was going or where I was. I had only one goal- away.

Suddenly a pair of strong hands grabbed me from behind and pinned me to a tree. I had no idea who the person was but it was definitely a boy. He was too strong to be a girl.

The first thought that came into my head was Rangers and I instinctively kicked the man in the gut. He groaned and pushed me deeper into the tree, so that the bark scratched my skin through my shirt. The man's lips moved against my ear.

"Quiet, don't scream, I wont hurt you", he said.

His voice was low and sounded oddly familiar.

"Why should I believe you?", I asked cautiously. I could slowly make out his features in the moonlight as my eyes adjusted to the darkness.

He had intense eyes and the blue stood out even in the dark. He was tall, handsome, muscular, wearing jeans, a white T-shirt and a leather jacket. He had a bag pack slung over one shoulder. He was Derek.

"If I wanted to hurt you, I would've. Do you trust me?", Derek asked. His face was very close to mine and I suddenly felt nervous. I moved a bit and his hands which held my arms, pinned behind me, loosened a bit as I relaxed.

"Yes", I said " I trust you", though I didn't completely. It was hard to tell who was your enemy or friend in this turmoil and I wasn't the sort of person who trusted easily. Just because he was good looking didn't mean he was my friend. Besides I barely knew him.

He smiled a bit as if he could read my mind. He let go of my arms and his eyes scanned my face, taking in everything, missing nothing. Our eyes met and I could see my fear reflected in his blue orbs. He took a step back, now assured that I woudn't run away or scream or do anything stupid.

"What's your name?", he asked me.

"Reyna", I said.

"Reyna", he said, testing my name on his tongue.

"I'm Derek. I would love to know all about you but we need to get out of here, come on."

He pulled away from me and I suddenly felt cold without his warmth. I was hesitant to follow him but what choice did I have. My chances of survival were better if I went with him.

"Where will we go?", I asked. " Detrix is destroyed. We cant go back there. We don't have any means of transport, and we don't know if the other pods made it to Eletia". I choked on the last part. So many lives destroyed for no apparent reason. This was a living nightmare. My head started spinning from just thinking about the lives that had been lost.

Everyday for the last 16 years of my life had been the same- boring and uneventful. I remember wishing sometimes when I was small that something would happen that would change our lives, make it adventurous. Now that something has happened, I'm starting to think that the past wasn't so bad. Yes it was boring and uneventful, but it was safe and secure as long as you abided by the rules. Right now I'm fully understanding the meaning of ' Be careful what you wish for'. I wonder if anyone will ever feel safe again. While I was pondering over my thoughts, my question to Derek got answered.

"For now, we need to find a place to rest and spend the night. We'll think about the rest in the morning".

I didn't say anything else, just nodded my head, though of course he couldn't see me as I was behind him.

Suddenly, Derek reached out and held my hand, pulling me to his side. He didn't look at me while doing the action and kept his gaze fixed straight ahead. I was startled by his touch but I didn't pull away. His touch was oddly soft and comforting and I felt safe with my hand in his. It was as if he was trying to say that I wasn't alone in this and that we would pull through this together.

We walked like that for a few hours, not saying a word to each other, hand in hand. I watched as the moon rose higher in the sky, ripening the night. Occasionally he would catch me when I tripped over a root or help me climb over a fallen log. My energy drained with each step and my calves burned from walking. My throat was parched and I desperately needed to drink water. Just when I thought I couldn't walk another step, Derek suddenly stopped and I bumped into him.

"What is it?", I asked.

"Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"I think I can hear gushing water. Listen carefully", he said.

I strained my ears for any source of sound and sure enough, there was a faint gushing noise. But I wasn't sure what was making that sound.

"I can hear it". I said.

"Come on".

He grabbed my hand and with renewed energy we followed the sound to its source. As we drew closer the gushing turned to a roaring and soon I was staring at a magnificent waterfall falling from a height. I had never seen a waterfall before, only read about them in books.

The place was magical. The water got collected in a pond. It was crystal clear and you could see the rocks at the bottom. The pond was at least twenty feet deep, but it was small. There was a cave at one side. It looked quite big. The moonlight fell on the surface of the pond and the water sparkled like powdered diamond. The place was hidden with dense leaves from trees I couldn't recognize, and it was peaceful and secluded.

For a few minutes Derek and I stood like statues with our mouths slightly agape, awe-struck at the magnificent place we has discovered. When I finally found myself able to walk again, I immediately went to the side of the pond and started drinking water greedily. The water was icy cool and pure, having been filtered by the rocks. It was bliss. Soon I was joined by Derek, after he had dropped his bag and rifle on the bank. I didn't even notice he had a rifle. It was probably one of the Rangers' which he picked up at the crash site.

We washed our face and arms with the water. Then Derek set out to collect firewood. He stayed close enough that I could see him from the bank. I watched as he bent low to collect wood, the muscles in his arms standing out from the weight of the heavy load.

He came back and arranged the firewood in the cave. Then he took out a lighter from his pocket and lit the wood. The cave flooded with light and I could make out that it was bigger than I originally anticipated. I hadn't notice how freezing it was outside and as the warmth of the fire reached me, I started shivering uncontrollably.

Derek noticed and he came to sit beside me. He lifted his arms as if to put them around me, but stopped in mid-air, hesitant. His eyes searched mine, seeking for permission and I gave a slight nod. He put his arms around me and I was engulfed in a warm abrazo. We sat like that for a few minutes and as my shivering died down, my muscles started to relax. I felt my eyelids close. I felt as he lay down beside me. My back was pressed against his chest. He kept an arm around me, as if to protect me while simultaneously ensuring himself that he wasn't alone. I heard him whisper "Good night, Reyna" and I let sleep overtake me.

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