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I slept in late the next morning. I examined myself in the mirror as I brushed my teeth. My hair was a wavy mess, like always, and I looked very pale and thin. There were bags under my eyes. Living in the wilderness for sometime, always on the run, had changed me, mentally and physically. But if the change was for good or bad, I couldn't tell.

I exited my room and immediately felt strange. The house was very quiet.


No answer.

The door to his room was closed. I padded down the stairs quietly. I had left my dagger in the room. I cursed softly, under my breath. I poked my head into the living room and saw that it was empty. I entered the kitchen and saw that it was empty as well. I was alone in the house.

I saw a note kept on the dining table, next to a covered plate of food. Zac had written it saying that he had gone to the Rebel encampment and that he would be back by twelve. I lifted the cover and saw that he had made fried bacon and eggs. Delicious.

I took my time and ate, enjoying the crispy bacon. He had made the eggs just right, a little over under-fried. I finished my breakfast and washed the dishes. The late morning sun streamed in through the kitchen window. It had stopped raining sometime in the night and the sky had cleared considerably.

I went to the living room and saw some pictures of the family that lived here on the mantle piece. A small boy, his parents and their dog. It seemed Eletia allowed pets. I explored the house. It was designed exactly like the houses from Before. Finally, I opened a door and entered a small room that could pass as a library. It was filled with books. There were books from Before as well as from now. There were books on every genre and subjects.

I ran my fingers along the spines. They were used frequently, and loved as well. I could tell by how the books were kept, arranged according to their genre and alphabetical order of their titles. I selected a book at random, from the fantasy section and flipped through its pages. I buried my nose in the book and inhaled its scent. I loved smelling books, old and new. I sat down on the only window seat in the room and started reading the book.

I read for sometime and then I put the book down and decided to make lunch. As I was heading over to the kitchen, I suddenly stopped in front of the front door. Subconsciously, my hand reached for the handle. The door opened. Zac was true to his word. He hadn't locked me in. If I sneaked outside and went somewhere right now, he wouldn't find out, unless he came back before I did. I could easily find one of the Detrix Rangers and tell them their plan. But I wouldn't. I couldn't. I snapped myself out of my dangerous thoughts and went inside the house again, locking the door.

I went to the kitchen and started making lunch. Just as I was nearly finished, someone knocked on the door. I peeked through the eyehole and saw that it was Zac, and another girl.

I opened the door and let them enter.

"Reyna, meet Emma. Emma, this is Reyna, my friend".

"Nice to meet you", Emma said and held out her hand. We shook hands and I returned her friendly smile. She was a pretty brunette, with a petite figure and large, light brown eyes and fair skin.

"I hope you don't mind that I brought over an uninvited guest", said Zac, looking at me.

He turned around and hung his jacket and Emma's on the peg by the door. I noticed two wolf years peeking from under the collar of his shirt, just under the nape of his neck. So Zac's wolf tattoo was on his back. I had never noticed it before because I had always seen him with his jacket on.

"Of course not. Please, come in", I said, turning to Emma. "I made lunch and there's enough for the three of us".

We went inside the kitchen and Zac helped me set the table. We talked as we ate and I found out that Emma was one of the Scientist-Rebels, who had helped in developing the Antidote.

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