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stella's pov:

i wake up to the mild scent of spencer's shampoo. i had fallen asleep entangled in his arms, and his hair is all in my face. i smile at the sight.

today is our day off, so i try to go back to sleep. i want to savor this moment. and eventually, i do fall back asleep.

2 hours later, i wake up to an empty bed. i know he couldn't have left because i'm at his place. i pick up my glasses off of the nightstand and head out to his kitchen/living area, only to see him at the counter, coffee in one hand, book in the other.

"well good morning to you." i say, startling him. he looks up and our eyes meet.

"good morning stells." he answers as i walk past him. towards the coffee machine. i smile at the nickname.

we sit in comfortable silence as we sip our coffees. finally, he speaks. "are you leaving at any time or just hanging out here?"

"uhh, i mean i don't have anywhere to be but if you have things to do or if you want me to leave i can leave." i answer, hoping that i can stay.

"i don't have anything to do either. maybe we can just hangout?" he questions, meeting my eyes.

i crack a smile. "sounds good. want to stay in or go out?"

"ooo good question. want to go out now and then come back tonight and watch a movie or something?"

"yes, if we don't get called in." i remind him. he frowns at the thought.

"well, i'm going to go get changed." i tell him, heading towards the bathroom. he doesn't even look up from his book.

i look into my go bag and pull out a pair of black jeans with holes in the knees, and an army green cami crop top. it is 70° out, so not too hot, but not too cold.

my hair still has some curls from the past day, so i brush them out, and then apply some light makeup. i finish off my outfit with a silver circle-looking belt (the one from brandy melville), and tan sandals.

when i walk out of the bathroom, spencer had already gotten dressed. he was wearing jeans and a white shirt, complimented with black converse. i am taken aback by the sight of him not in his usual dress pants and sweater vest. but damn, does he look good both ways.

"ready?" i say from behind him, grabbing my purse. when i look up and he makes eye contact and looks me up and down. he hesitated but eventually responds. "y-yeah. let's go."


we end up in downtown DC, just walking around, looking at memorials and walking around the free museums.

"this is my favorite museum!" i exclaim, pointing around the Holocaust museum.

"why is it your favorite?" he asks, looking down at my 5'7 self. i thought i was tall, but him at 6'1, maybe 6'2, he towers me.

"i don't know. ever since i was taught it in school, i've just always been interested in it. i'm often interested in tragedies for some reason."

"makes sense. i like the air and space museum." he grins.

just as we are walking past the lincoln memorial, a man with a camera walks up to us and asks to take our picture in front of the reflecting pool that leads to the washington monument.

"how much?" i ask.

"$2. it'll print out right when after i take it." he says.

i look and spencer and he shrugs. "sure."

"okay just pose right here, i'll take 2 pictures, one for each of you."

we pose together and smile.

"aww, you guys are such a cute couple." the photographer exclaims.

we look at each other. "actually we aren't-"

"here are your pictures! have a nice day!" the man cuts spencer off and then goes and bugs a family about taking their photo.

i look down at the photo, and it was honestly one of the best pictures i have ever been in. this is definitely going on my desk. i look up at spencer and smile.


it gets dark out as we decide to stop and get something to eat.

"wait here, i'll go get us something from that food truck right there. what do you want?" i ask.

"surprise me." he answers with a smirk.

i chuckle. "okay, but don't get mad if you don't like it."

i hear his laugh as i walk to the food truck.

after i order, a man walks up to me that i don't recognize. "hey pretty lady, you here all by yourself tonight?"

i am caught off guard by his statement. "sorry, do i know you?"

"not yet, but you could get to know me." he begins to touch my arm, and i try to move around him, but he won't let me.

just as i'm about to go off, spencer walks up. "who's this babe?" he asks, trying to get the guy to go away.

"i don't know who he is." i answer.

"alright. let's go. she's taken man. hop off." spencer scowls at him.

the creepy man spits in spencer's direction, and spencer just gives him the finger, then grabs me by the waist and we turn around and walk away.

"i'll give it to you spence, that was pretty bad ass." i say through small laughs. "didn't know you could do that."

"to be honest, i didn't either. i just saw that you were uncomfortable, so i pretended to be your boyfriend. i read that in situations like those, random girls will pretend to be friends and guys will pretend to be boyfriends to get women out of those types of situations."

my heart flutters at his thoughtfulness. "thank you, spencer. i really appreciate it."

he smiles. "let's sit here and eat our, uh," he glances at the food in my hand. "burgers?"

i nod, chuckling. "then after do you want to go watch a movie at your apartment like we said earlier?"

"sounds good."


"what movie do you want to watch?" spencer asks me, going through his collection of movies.

"umm, how about the hunger games? do you own that movie?"

"i do. i've never opened it." he says while blowing a light layer of dust off the cover.

"well, looks like you're about to. i love this movie."

we sit together on his couch, shoulders touching, sharing a blanket and some popcorn. throughout the movie, he gives me statistics on certain things in the movie if they were to happen in real life. i know most people get annoyed with his rambling, but i find it oddly comforting.

i fall asleep halfway through the movie, resting my head on his shoulder. i wake up to his gasp at the end of the movie.

"sorry! i didn't mean to wake you. i'm just so into this movie." he apologizes.

i half-smile. "it's okay. do you mind if i spend the night? my car is still at quantico." i say, in a sleepy voice.

"yeah that's fine." he answers.

i get up slowly. "i'm going to change and brush my teeth and then pass out."

i walk into the bathroom and put on my clothes from last night and brush my teeth. i take out my contacts and put on my glasses and head for his bedroom. i lay down next to spencer and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

A/N: not related, but please, speak up about the #BLM movement. "IF YOU ARE NEUTRAL IN SIDES OF INJUSTICE, YOU HAVE CHOSEN THE SIDE OF THE OPPRESSOR." -Desmond Tutu. sign petitions. donate. attend protests. anything helps.

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