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stella's pov:

at around 4 am, spencer and i's phones go off at the same time. we both groan and open our texts. a very urgent text from hotch to get to the office immediately. we both look at each other and then hurry out of bed.

i change into a pair of grey plaid pants with a white sweater, and small black heels. i brush my hair and teeth, and then meet spencer at the door as we walk out and get to quantico.

when we arrive, nobody other than hotch is here yet.

"reid, keller, come in my office real quick." hotch says as he steps in and out of his office.

we hurry in. "alright. if you don't want to do this, there are other agents willing to do so. here's what i want you guys to do. i want you to go undercover."

"undercover where? and for what?" i ask, tilting my head.

"we want to investigate possible child abuse at an underground cult. so, we want to send you guys in as child victim interview experts. you will be with someone who is actually one of these people, so she will take lead. you will be wired, but no guns. they are armed, and will fight back. are you both up to this?"

we look at each other and nod. "when do we go?"

"right now. once the team gets here, we are getting on the jet. you two may sleep while i brief the team. you'll need it now." hotch answers, turning back to his last pieces of paperwork.


"i'm looking for mr. benjamin cyrus." nancy lunde announces.

"you found him." a man with a beard and a flannel looks up at us and begins walking over. he kind of looks like luke perry.

"this is stella keller and spencer reid. they're child victim interview experts." nancy introduces us.

i walk into the school and sit down, and begin talking to some of the children. some of them have never been off the ranch.

after a few minutes and questions, one of the children turn to me and says, "is it inappropriate for a husband to share a bed with its wife?"

that's when it clicked. the man, benjamin, is in a relationship, a MARRIAGE, with a 15 year old girl.

"you're married to cyrus?" i ask her.

"yes. cyrus is my husband, and a prophet. it's an honor to bare his children."

"did your parents give consent since you are underage?" spencer asks from behind me. the mother nods.

just then, men comes in with rifles and order us all to stand. they begin to pat nancy, spencer, and i down while asking us if we know anything about a raid.

i look at spencer. hotch never said anything about a raid. we shake our heads, with genuine shock across our faces.

they move us and the children into a tunnel, and i hear loud shots ring above us. cyrus keeps telling us to stay calm, but how can i keep calm when i'm trapped inside of a cult?

just then, cyrus comes down into the tunnel. i walk up to him. "where's nancy?"

"it wasn't us." he replied.

anger spreads on my face. "what?! you can't shoot it out with the cops! there are children here." i argue.

he just glares at me, and then they leave the tunnel to go fight them away.

after a few minutes, the shots stop. god, i hope the team is here.


spencer and i stand in the back of the church as cyrus passes a cup to each of the members of the cult. he orders them all to drink the contents of it. he then tells them that they just drank poison. i turn to spencer.

"a mass suicide." i whisper, only loud enough for spencer to hear and for my mic to pick up. he nods. some begin weeping, others continue to worship him.

a few moments later, cyrus breaks the silence. "be still. there was no poison. it was a test of your faith. watch each other for signs of weakness." he shouts.

"knew it." i whisper to spencer.


spencer and i are sitting in a hallway when cyrus and another man walk up to us.

"which one you is it?" he questions.

"i won't ask again. which one of you is the FBI agent?" he asks, pulling out his gun.

"why do you think one of us is an FBI agent?" spencer asks.

i watch him raise the gun at spencer. just as he is about to pull the trigger, the word falls right out of my mouth before i even notice.

"me." i answer. "it's me."

just then, he grabs me by my hair and drags me by it into another room. i try to fight back, but he keeps punching and slapping me. i try to get up, and he knees me in the ribs. he slams me into a wall while reciting certain bible verses to me. i try to fight back while repeating words for morgan and hotch to hear. "i can take it." he continues to hit me. i don't want hotch to come in.

i wipe the blood from my nose as i fall unconscious, waking up bound to a bed and a lady looking over me, wiping the blood from my face.

eventually, i put the pieces together. she's the one who called in the allegation.


after what feels like hours, i try to put my foot out the window to signal to my team that i'm in here. eventually, they see me. i speak into my mic.

"if you can hear me, i know you're coming. i can try to get the women and children down to the tunnel, but i need to know when you're coming."

just then, i see the red dot from a sniper on the wall. he signals 3 AM.

"reid is on the first floor somewhere with cyrus." i tell them. "also, remember that there are children here."


the next time the woman comes into the room, i inform her of my plan, and she agrees. i peer into the main church area, and see loads of dynamite. we push all of the children into the basement, and try to wait it out.

after a few moments, morgan and hotch appears in the basement, and i inform them of the explosives, and we get all of the children out of the building, except for 1. cyrus' wife. but i don't have time to get her, i am forced out of the building. god, i hope reid is okay.

i hear clear through my mic, and feel a sigh of relief, but then, the entire building blows up right in front of my eyes.

my heart drops. everyone starts running, but i run towards the building. "REID? MORGAN?" just then, i see them stumble out, coughing, and limping. i let out a huge sigh of relief.

i walk up to reid and pull him into my arms, and tears fall down my cheeks. i look up at him. "i almost lost you." i say as my voice cracks.

"don't worry about me. i'm okay. i made it. we are here now." spencer replies. god, i want to kiss him. but the whole team is here, and now would not be an appropriate time.

i pull away from the hug, as i guide him over to the EMT, go get him checked.


on the jet, i fall asleep with my legs over spencer's lap, and my head on the armrest of the couch. spencer is deep into a book.

i am waken up by the plane touching the ground, and i grab my things and exit the plane. i would go to spencer's, but i am so tired.

i hop in my car and drive home. i didn't say bye to anyone, i just went straight home. i haven't slept in days. i don't have the energy.

when i get home, i don't even change. i collapse on my couch, falling asleep almost instantly.

A/N: sorry, this chapter is so choppy, but this was one of my favorite episodes. also, keep spreading the #BLACKLIVESMATTER movement. we need to bring justice and equality.

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