Field Trip (Pt. 13) - Lunch

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...Hey guys...

So, first I would like to profusely apologize for the fact that I have not updated in over a month. I know, I suck, but there was a lot on my plate with online school and socially distanced lacrosse and all that jazz. 

Also, I have the coolest excuse... we got ducks.

We already had chickens when I was younger (we had 19) and 4 of them are alive today, but we recently got 14 more, also 6 ducks. Making for a grand total of 24 birds that my mom doesn't want.

And I know nobody cares but I'm going to tell you their names cuz some of them are great.

So the 4 older chickens are Lucy, Darla, Samantha, and Duck the chicken.

Then the ducks are Gomer, Moose, Sitting Duck, and Quackhead, and two are yet to be named.

And now, the chickens. We have Motherclucker, Drumstick, Yokobama (like Barack Obama but the breed was a Yokohama- don't worry my dad named it I don't get it either), Daryl and Darrel, Houdini, Bon-Bon, Larry, Chickira, Paris Hilton (she's the dumb blonde), Turtle, Piccata (like chicken piccata), Fricken Chicken, and the last one has yet to be named.

BTW if you guys have any suggestions on what to name the two ducklings and the chick, just drop a comment. I'm running out of ideas...

But, we've graduated, the birds are healthy, and I'm ready to write! So, once again, I'm sorry, and I'm looking forward to being back on Wattpad!

Now, on with the story!

     Since we had to leave Thor and Loki's session early, you know, considering they almost murdered a kid for being rude, we had extra time on our hands. Hazel didn't really know what to do, because we had to wait until lunch, so she literally just let us hang outside the tower for a while. M.J. spent the entire time reading, Ned got chased by a bee, Flash and his goons sulked by the entrance, and my classmates forced me to teach them fighting skills. I'm not gonna lie, it was kind of fun, even though they could barely do a roundhouse kick. They've all seemed to have tried to forget what happened, and I'm super grateful.

     So now, it's finally lunch, and I am starving. Remember how I didn't eat breakfast? That doesn't really mix well with my metabolism. I'm so weak from hunger my knees are shaking. 

     Hazel walks us over to our usual table in the crowded lunchroom, and Mr. Locke re-assumes his spot in the corner. Pointing to the table, she smiles brightly and grasps her clipboard. "Well, here's your table! You can leave your stuff here and then jump into the lunch line, and I'll see you all after, m'kay?" None of us respond because we're all depressed teenagers, so she just carries on Dora style. "Great, sounds good!" She turns to leave, but as soon as she's facing his way, who happens to walk by? "Uh, Mike?" Hazel asks in a confused voice.

     The man, who was currently shoving his face into a taco, stops in his tracks with his mouth full and looks up with wide eyes. "Uh, hey, Hazel!"

     Hazel raises one eyebrow. "So you're sick, huh?"

     "...I got better."

     "Mmhmm." Hazel smirks. "Well, since you're feeling so much better, you can finish doing the field trip you were assigned!"

     Mike tries for maybe 5 seconds to win their mini stare down, but just immediately gives up. Sighing, he points to her clipboard. "Gimmie."

     "Mmm," She hums, hands him the clipboard, and stalks out, shoulders back and head high. She gives me one small wave over her shoulder, which I return, and then disappears around the corner.

     We all just kind of sit there, waiting for Mike to give us the cue to go eat, but he just stares back at us with a blank stare. 

     "Uhhh... should we go get in line now?" Vanessa asks hesitantly.

     Mike turns to face her. "I honestly couldn't care less."

      Everyone took that as a yes, and we went to go get our food while Mike went over to Mr. Locke to taunt him with his spray bottle.

      We all return to the table with our tacos (Except for Charlie, his mom packed him a sandwich), and sit in our normal seats.

     I immediately wolf down my food, and finish my tacos in just under a minute (a record). Not really having anything else to do, I just play with my fork and let my gaze wander around the room.

     Suddenly, there's a loud bang as the door swings open. Tensing up, I swivel my head in the direction of the sound, ready to fight, but I almost immediately let my guard down.

     "Greetings!" Scott bellows, holding his hands high in the air. "I have come bearing a yearning for tacos! Make way!" Not noticing me, he saunters to the middle of the lunchroom, everyone just staring at him like they're surprised but also not.

     Now, I'd like to say this was the weirdest part about lunch, but it's not. Because not even 2 seconds later, Clint drops from out of the vents right next to him.

     "Clint!" Scott exclaims. "What're'ya doin' here?"

     "I heard my favorite Avenger was in here!" Clint replies, and pulls him into a bro hug, while everybody around "Awwww"ed.

     Scott pulls back sharply. "Wait!" He says with fear in his eyes. "You think Nat heard that?"

      Clint chuckles. "She's not in here, Scott."

     "You see, that's the thing," Scott says, looking around wildly. "She's everywhere."

     Clint's eyes widened in fear. "Oh my god you're right. Get in the vents! Go! Go!"

     They jump on a table and Clint fires a mini grappling hook to the top, and he and Scott shoot up into the vents, closing the grate behind them. The scene is over, and everybody returns back to eating, until we hear a slightly muffled shout.

     "...Oh my god, what the hell. Clint. Clint! She's in here!" There's a loud clonking sound above as they shuffle around.

     "ScottScottScottScott! She's got a taser!" The noises get louder and faster.

     "It wasn't me! He was the one who said it! Take Clint first!" Scott shouts.

     Then, there's a scream as high pitched as a little girl. With my super hearing I pick out the sound of the taser buzzing. We hear a yelp, and the whole building's power shuts down for a second. I guess that's what happens when you taser someone in a metal box.

     With a slight whirring the tower's backup generators power on, but only last a second before a different yelp is heard and the power goes out again.

     The backup generators to the backup generators turn on, and Nat pops out of the vents, walking away like nothing happened, the taser still buzzing in her hand.

     From up above, I detect low moaning. "Dude," Scott groans, "Why you gotta do me like this?"

     "Shut up... ow."

Shorter than I would've hoped, but it's a start. Thank you guys! Xoxo <3

Word Count: 1185

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