one word

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Someone in deep threats
Someone I say in dark
It was someone looking for a spark ....

Strolling in the white clouds
Cheering the life .....
There was a girl among the dandillions...
Dressed in the silver crown
Down wearing a lace gown...

Her life was a cherishing song....
Until she encountered this person wrong....
Which may have changed her faith..
Now no longer for emotion she would break...

Walking in a desert of sea
Breaking down spells of liberty...
To set out her wings free...

Behind her I can see a rows of problems...
Lined up one by one...
Coming in hot scorching sun .
They are all as sharp as knives
They would all kill her in one strike...

She regards herself bound in this cage..
But what I can see ... she cannot
Behind her stands a person....
Taking down the rows...
Killing all her foes...

Did she realise or not?
Or it is worthless of what she fought...
She thought it had her capture...
But to this there is new caption..

The person is exhausted ....
After long.. he fell to ground
Wounded ,lying without a sound..
She gently caressed his wound..
And treated it it with respect.

When he is awake..
She seems like a turbulent fake...
And upon his sleep she caresses him  like a bountiful lake...

After a while they seemed to notice..
A shadow of a white lotus...
It was unimaginable....
A pure white lotus within the desserts...

I moved closer to where they both are asleep...
Confused as I was ...
Took a strong step towards the flower ...
And suddenly there was a illumination.
It said to me "don't be startled ....I know you feel confused... but do u remember you asked me if there was one word that can revolve everything ... yes there is ":love"*"

I know this poem is a little complex not everyone will get its meaning .. but that's what it is the truu meaning of one word we causally use"love"..I also know every one will have their own what is yours

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