my greatest joy

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Caressing her hair
While she lays in arms of deep sleep
Was my greatest joy

Saw her smiles from a distance
Even if it was her new boyfriend
Was my greatest joy

Freedom to love
Able to live around her aura
Was my greatest joy

Capable of being her stepping stone
Though never mentioned on pedestrian
Was my greatest joy

Between the crowds
I could detect her lie
Was my greatest joy

In her mind
Being able to be acknowledged as a friend
Was my greatest joy

Being able to flaunt
And then hearing her taunt
Was my biggest joy

Secretly taking her lunch
Teasing her
Was my greatest joy

I was envious when she talked to a boy
And proud when she said"hi"
Was my greatest joy

Covering for her mischief
Being thrown out of the class in between
Standing in corridors
And those tit bit wars
Was my greatest joy

Being invited to her birthday
Dressing fancy in a tailored suit
And ready in one of my best mood
Was my greatest joy

Living by her side
I maybe one of her toys .. but
Was my greatest joy

She spoke to me
Toldelled in my secret palace
And gave a delicious delicacy
Was my greatest joy

Her name became my heart 's address
And I her new interest
Because in this lifetime
Was my greatest joy

My eyes were wet
And time was taking revenge
She became the only hope
Was my greatest joy

Oh.. my dear
She loves white lillies
I bought a boutique
But she is too arrogant today
Lying tirelessly in than big old wooden trunk..
Buried deep in earth ..
Her name inscribed on the cement squared wall..
Even the grass has grown tall
I am kneeling
But she is not answering
Thirteen years have passed

She left without saying goodbye
But she was my greatest joy

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