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I recommend you to listen to this song while reading this chapter: already gone by sleeping at last

Tyler's pov.

" mum that's so unfair! I want to go and visit Jody, you promised you would let me! " I yelled at my mum while packing some of my clothes for the visit.

Mum shook her head and folded her arms, " I said you could go and visit her when you have a good reason to visit her, like if it's her birthday or something like that. "

" I'm 18 now, it's my decision. I miss her. There that's a good reason. "

I grabbed my bag and left before mum could try to stop me again, if I want to go and visit Jody I can. I miss her so much, I didn't know it was possible to miss someone this much. We haven't talked much lately, I've been busy with college and helping mum with her small store. That's why I told her that we shouldn't let our feelings for each other stop us from finding someone else to be happy with, because I can't make her happy right now. Not like I used to anyway, and she deserves everything good this world can give.

I can't wait to see her again. The only thing I worry about is if she has found someone else, but I doubt that. I know Jody, she wouldn't do that. She can be rude, moody and say stuff she doesn't mean but she wouldn't get a boyfriend. Not when she knows how I feel about her.

I got in a cab and went to the airport, I'm thinking about staying there for a week or so. If I'm lucky May-Li and Scott will let me take Jody to a hotel or something, if they don't let us we'll just do what we always do. We'll trick them. We can easily get Jody's brother, Luke, to tell them she'll spend the night at his place when she really will be at the hotel with me. He's always been nice to us.


I finished unpacking my stuff in my hotel room, it's not that big but it'll do. To be honest, I don't care at all, I just want to see Jody. It's too late to go there now though, I have to wait till tomorrow. I can imagine the look on her face when she sees me, shooked but at the same time so happy. Her hand fits perfectly in mine, we were meant to find each other.

I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes as a familiar memory popped up in my head.

" Tyler! " I laughed at nine-year-old Jody trying to catch me while I was running around the park with her ice cream.

I slowed down after a while to let her win, she's a bad loser.

She smiled big and grabbed her ice cream back, " ha! Told you I'm as fast as you. " I just giggled and watched her as she ate what was left of her ice cream. I'm lucky to have her as my best friend. We do loads of good pranks together.

" Jodes, what do you think we'll be like in ten years? " I asked while sitting down next to her at the end of the slide.

She shrugged her shoulders, " I don't know. I want to be married. "

I couldn't help it but laugh, " you can't get married when you're just nineteen, your mum wouldn't like it. "

She looked down at the ground, " she doesn't want me to get married at all. I told her I wanted to marry a prince once, and she said I can't marry anyone because none will want to marry me. "

I know Denise isn't the mum of the year but I never knew she is this horrible.

I put my hand on her back, " well your mum is wrong. I'd marry you any day. "

She looked up at me and smiled big, " really? You would marry me? "

I giggled at her cuteness and nodded, " yeah of course I would, you're my best friend. "

She dropped her ice cream in the sand and gave me a bone-crushing hug which I happily returned. I gave her a quick peck on her cheek before letting her go to run to the swings.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face.


I woke up early this morning to get myself ready to see Jody, I mean of course I'm excited to see everyone else too but especially Jody. I took a long shower and got dressed into black jeans with a plain white t-shirt followed by a red hoodie. Her favorite hoodie.

I looked at myself in the mirror and nodded before I left. I didn't go straight to The dumping ground though, I made a quick stop at a store on my way there and bought some of Jody's favorite chocolate and a red rose. I know she'll find the red rose cheesy, but I want her to know how much I've missed her.

After another fifteen minutes, I knocked on the door to the house I've spent most of my childhood in. Only after a few seconds May-Li opened the door and gave me a big hug.

" Tyler! You didn't tell us you were coming to visit, oh my god you're gotten even taller and I know you've missed me but you didn't have to bring me a rose. " She joked and put a hand over her heart.

I shook my head and smiled, " very funny. But yeah I've missed you all too but I wanted to surprise you. "

She nodded, " I presume you're going to ask where Jody is next? "

I lightly blushed, " erm yeah, where is she? Is she in her room? " I went inside as I spoke and started to take my shoes off but May-Li stopped me.

" She left about 10 minutes ago, I think she was going to the park to meet some of her friends. If you don't take too long I won't tell everyone that you're back until you've caught up with Jody. "

I smiled at her thankfully and nodded. I forgot to say goodbye, I just headed straight to the park. I'm guessing she's hanging out with her friends from the boxing gym, she doesn't really have any friends from school.

I took the last turn and looked around the park and saw Jody sitting at the end of the slide. That slide. Before I could walk over to her someone else did. A boy. I took a deep breath and shook my head, May-Li said she's hanging out with her friends, not with her boyfriend. Besides, Jody wouldn't replace me with someone else.

The boy handed her a chocolate-flavored ice cream and sat next to her, the slide wasn't that big so their bodies touched, she didn't seem bothered by it though. She laughed at something her friend said and licked her ice cream. The next thing I saw made my heart shatter into a thousand pieces.

She kissed him.


Oops! 🙊 I hope you liked this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment!

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