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Jodys pov.

I've been trying to figure out who the mysterious girl could be, but I have run out of ideas. It has to be just a friend, I don't think Tyler would cheat on me. He's too nice to cheat on anyone. But on the other hand, I didn't think he would leave me either. I thought he would turn back and say that he cares about me too much to leave to Saint Lucia, or maybe I just hoped so. Either way, I was wrong. Maybe I'm wrong about this too, maybe Tyler is capable of cheating.

I sighed and laid down on my bed and stared up at the ceiling, I felt my eyes starting to get heavy. I slowly closed my eyes and let sleep take over me.

" Jody! Come back here! " The ten-year-old boy laughed while trying to catch up with me.

" No way! " I giggled and continued running, I looked back at him to see how far behind he was.

He was almost right behind me now. It's not fair, he always catches me because Tyler is taller than me which means he has longer legs so he can run faster.

As I was looking back at him I didn't see where I was going, before I knew it I tripped and fell forward.

" Oww! " I yelped in pain and started crying as I sat up.

Tyler kneeled down next to me and held my hand while getting a plaster from his pocket with his other hand. He gently put it over the small cut on my knee and wiped my cheeks.

" There now it's okay, I'm sorry I shouldn't have chased you then you wouldn't have tripped. "

" It wasn't your fault Ty it was just an accident. " I rested my head on his shoulder and looked up at him while speaking.

" I'm still sorry though, I never want to be the reason to why you're crying Jodes. I would never hurt you on purpose. "

I giggled and pecked his cheek lightly which made his cheeks turn bright red.

" I know dummy, let's continue playing now. "


I woke up a few hours later and smiled to myself as the memory I had in my dream still was in the back of my head. He said he never would hurt me, not on purpose. If you cheat on someone does that count as hurting someone on purpose? I hope it does because then Tyler can't have cheated. He means everything he says, he never lies unless it's for a good cause.

I got up and decided to text him.


Hey Ty, how's living with Luke?

I smiled as three dots appeared on my screen, letting me know that he's already replying.

Tyler aka idiot💛

Hey Jodes! It's not too bad, he's nice. He did have a long chat with me though warning me about what he'll do if I hurt you.

I know you wouldn't hurt me, I trust you. I can't come over today I have homework and chores to do, but we can meet up tomorrow if you want?

I tapped my leg impatiently as I waited for him to reply which he soon did.

Sounds good! Just text me when you're ready and we can meet in the park tomorrow :)

A happy face? Isn't that like friend-zoning someone? On the other hand, it's Tyler. He uses happy faces all the time.

Okay, see you tomorrow!

I put my phone down and grabbed my school stuff so I could finish my homework. Maybe if I finish it quickly and get Sasha to help me with my chores I can go and hang out with him before dinner. I can surprise him! Tyler really loves surprises.

I quickly finished my homework with some help from Jay, he didn't even make me pay him this time. I guess he's in a good mood. Sasha also helped me with my chores so I could go and see Tyler, she's a really supportive friend.

I walked to Luke's house and knocked on the door, I wasn't surprised when Luke answered and not Tyler. He's probably too lazy to answer the door, and he doesn't really own the place like Luke does.

" Hey Luke, I'm here to-"

" You're here to see Tyler. " He interrupted and smirked at me knowingly.

I rolled my eyes and tried to hide the blush on my cheeks.

" Well yes I am, can I come in? "

" You just missed him, he left about 10 minutes ago to have dinner. " He leaned on the doorframe as he spoke.

" Isn't he allowed to eat here with you? " I furrowed my eyebrows.

" Of course he is, but he was going out for dinner with a friend. "

A friend?

" Did he say who? " I folded my arms and felt anger building up.

" No sorry, but I'm pretty sure it was a girl. "

I clenched my fists. A girl. He's meeting up with a girl to have dinner. Could it be the girl on his phone? There's only one way to find out.

" Do you know where he went? "


That's chapter nine! Sorry it took a while, I've been enjoying my summer break. Do you think Tyler is meeting up with the girl who Jody saw on his homescreen? If not, who do you think it is? See you in the next chapter!

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