Morning Coffee

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I wake up and i don't see Alessio anywhere, maybe he left at night since i fell asleep as we watched our favorite TV Show. I check my phone it's 10am, i get up stretch a little and put on my slippers and go down stairs. As i'm walking downstairs i hear noises, it's not my parents bc they work and they don't come home until 2 pm

"Who's there?" i shout

I hear a laugh

"Babe it's me" Alessio said in the kitchen

"You scared me, i though you left in the night" i said as i walked towards the kitchen

"Awe, babe i'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you" Alessio said as he was mixing pancake mix

"It's fine babe" i say with a smile

"I'm making you breakfast before we leave to Paris remember we have the Louis Vuitton fashion show to go to and many other events" Alessio said as he put butter on the pan

"Awe, babe thank you. I'm so tired, the flight leaves at 5 right?" i ask

"Yes don't worry we will be there on time for now relax, we have plenty of time" Alessio said as he flipped the pancake

"I know, i know but my mom has always thought me to be to the airport early at least 3 hours" i say with a smile

"Don't worry, also here you go your morning coffee" Alessio said as he gave me the mug full of hot fresh coffee

"Thank you, here i'll help you with cutting the fruit" i say as i get out of the barstool i'm sitting in

"Sure, your gonna love these pancakes and i also made you some eggs. I got some more of your favorite greek yogurt so we can have some with fruit and granola" Alessio said as he got a plate to put the pancakes

"Yes, i'll get some strawberries and blueberries for the pancakes and i'll cut an apple for the greek yogurt" i say as i open the fridge to get the strawberries

"Sure, look the pancakes are almost done" said Alessio as he flipped another pancake

"Okay, i'll hurry up" i say as i finish cutting the strawberries

"The table is set up. I'm gonna serve some yogurt with granola. The food looks so good, i'm such a good chef" Alessio said as he looked so proud of himself 

"Okay chef Alessio, hurry up i'm done cutting up the fruit" i said as i grabbed a plate to put the fruit on

"Let me just get one thing i'm missing" he went to the garage

I put the plate on the table and sit down as i wait for him

"Here you go mi amor" Alessio said as he gave me a beautiful red rose

"Thank you so much" i say with a smile, i kiss him

"I love you y/n, let's eat now because the food is gonna get cold" Alessio said

I take a bite of the pancakes and they are amazing "Alessio, babe these pancakes are amazing" i say as a keep eating the pancakes

"I'm glad you like them, my mom taught me this recipe to impress you" Alessio said as he ate

We finish eating and the put the plates on the dishwasher

"Y/n i'm going to go home to get ready and get my luggage. I'll be back in an hour, i love you" Alessio said as he gave me a kiss on the forehead

"Okay, take care and i love you too" i said as i locked the door

I hurry up and finish packing. Of course this is only a week long trip but there are so many events we are going to but the one i'm most excited for is the Louis Vuitton fashion show that we got invited to. I never thought being an influencer and starting my own blog would get me this far.

I finish getting ready, then my parents get home to say bye

"Cuidate (take care), don't do dumb things we trust you" said my parents

Then Alessio arrives with his mom, Tonia. We say our goodbyes and drive off to the airport Paris here we come

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