To Save a Friend (Kaylee short story)

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© CRGangell aka Whitesabretooth

Hi everyone,

Here is one of the short stories I said I would post so vote, comment and have fun.

AN: Not edited... so don't be a grammar or spelling nazi.

To save a friend

(Kaylee short story)

~ Ten years after Winds of Change.~

Thane popped his head in on Alanna as he was about to head in for some light reading. "Are your children that irritating that you don't want to go home?"

Alanna glanced up from her paperwork. "Six more months and they are your problem too."

Thane visibly shuddered he had been dreading the inclusion of Alanna's children into the battle school. It had been a last minute thing but their names and all the children born the same year were considered the cut off for the class that was going to move into the school in a little over six months.

"Yeah... but they have to obey." He said.

Alanna nodded, "Can you do me a favour?" she asked as she lifted a heavy envelope.

Thane grinned, "Mail... Kaylee sure knows how to write." Walking into the room he took the envelope and left Alanna to finish her paper work in peace. Quickly he went to the dorm, opening the door he paused just in the room. The young men and Sasha were working on preparing for the next day, walking further into the room he glanced around looking for the young man the envelope was addressed to.

"Luca!" Thane barked and Luca came to his feet.

"Sir!" Luca turned so that he could be face to face with Thane. He had grown over the last 10 years, in fact if you didn't know he was only 16, he could have easily have passed as one of his older wing mates. Across the chest and in build he wasn't as big as Kael or even Gawain but he was still filling out his 7 foot 5 frame.

"Mail." Thane tossed the envelope at Luca which he deafly caught, "Lights out... 2 hours."

"Yes Sir!" the room said to Thane's back.

Luca sat and opened the envelop as everyone else crowded around. The first letter Luca had received had shocked them but it had become something they all looked forward to, they all wrote letters to her and she always wrote back a general letter for all of them and a separate letter just for Luca.

Luca removed his letter from the stack of paper and handed the rest to the nearest person so they could read it out to the others. Moving away he started to read his letter, a frown marred his face as he read, generally Kaylee's letters were joyful, playful and fun. This letter was not.

Leaving the common room he moved briskly to Alanna's office and seeing light come from the door base he sighed, at least he wouldn't get punished for leaving the school without permission. He knocked on the door and waited.

"Enter!" Alanna called and Luca walked in.

"Forgive me Master," He said.

"It's okay Luca, what is wrong?" Alanna said as she gestured for him to take a seat.

"It's Kaylee," he offered the letter in his hands to her.

Alanna took the letter and started to read.

"Her letters aren't generally like this; the last time her letters were like this was when her father died but... not the same." Luca explained.

"She's depressed, probably being bullied at school," Alanna said as she continued to read the letter. "Does she have many friends?"

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