Chapter 39

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Elementally gifted

Chapter 39


"Look carefully at the pictures you were give. Those seven people are today's target!!!"

I froze in pure shock as I looked at the familiar faces.

The glasses girl... Samurai... Frankenstein.... The pale guy with dark hair and clothes.... Blondie.... And finally the pink haired female....

"O-Oi.... But that girl...." Leolio mumbled as he looked over my shoulder to see the papers.

"Hey, she's the one who came yesterday for the arm wrestling," Gon exclaimed as he pointed the the glassed girl.

Killua seemed to be thoughtful as I stared at the person on stage, "The condition to fulfill is to catch them and give them to us!! You'll receive a check of 2 billion Jenis per head!!!!"

My mouth dropped open.

2 b-billion Jenis?!


"There is no time limit!!! Dead or alive, no importance at all!!! Obviously the ways to capture them is free for you to decide!! If you manage to catch one of them, contact us at the number at the bottom of the page!!"

The crowd went wild at the announcements.

Though four certain people silently stood together, looking at the paper closely.

"2 billion per head...!!" Gon muttered in shock.

Leolio on the other hand was ecstatic, "If we catch them all, we'll get 14 billion jenis!!!"

The silver haired females silently stood next to Killua as they both looked at the paper with a thoughtful look.

Gon and Leolio who noticed them stared at the two who truly looked like they were twins or siblings.

"We only ask for participation taxes, which is 5 million jenis per participant! We ask for the people who won't take part in this to give the picture back before exiting!!!!!"

As the four of them quietly exited the place, Nijika and Killua shared a look of worry, not muttering a single word.

"Hey, we should go gather information as well!" Leolio excitedly exclaimed as he walked in front of the kids.

Killua sighed, his hands in his pants pocket while his eyes were filled with boredom, "Don't stress it. They'll never catch them," the silver haired male confidentially stated, "Plus I think it's a bad ideas." He added quickly.

Nijika suddenly stopped walking, looking serious, "I agree with Killua."

Leolio and Gon turned around in confusion as they stared at the two silver haired teens.

"Don't you see it?" Nijika questioned as she stood next to Killua, "A while ago, we were suppose to be in a conditional auction, but it seemed like it was an investigation with an reward."

Killua nodded as he threw his arm over Nijika's shoulder with a frown, "Uh huh. In my opinion, the mafia recognized it's failure with its own ways, and they are trying to find other solutions."

Nijika smirked and nodded in agreement, "Didn't it seem familiar to you Gon? I mean the room?"

The spiky haired teen seemed confused for a second before a look of realization appeared in his eyes, "Ah!"