15. Undercover

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Rosa drives us to our destination. Jake and I are sat in the back. I look straight ahead but I can see Jake keeps glancing at me. Rosa looks in the mirror and frowns. "What's going on with you guys?"
"Jake's just worried. I'm fine, don't worry."
She nods and pulls up outside a restaurant. "Word is, this man is here to drop off some cocaine." She holds up a picture. "I need you two to go in undercover to check this out, makes sense because you're a couple but if you can't handle it Y/N, I can go instead. Otherwise I'll keep watch here out front.
I shake my head. "No, we're good, right Jake?"
"I guess so." He nods.

Jake and I get out of the car and head over to the restaurant. Jake stops me before we go in. "Are you sure about this?"
"Yes, now come on!"
We go inside and luckily it was pretty empty so we were easily able to sit at the table next to the drug dealer. I notice the dealer is watching us. Maybe he's suspicious that we chose to sit on the table next to him. I look at Jake. "I can't believe this is exactly where we had our first date."
He smiles. "It feels so long ago."
I nod. "I know right." The dealer stops looking at us so I call the waiter over to order drinks.

Jake and I chat about the apartments we were planning on viewing until the dealer gets up. We follow him a few seconds later down a narrow, dimly lit corridor leading to kitchen and a back exit leading to a park.
"Seems like he's just complimenting the chef." I whisper to Jake.
"Yeah. Oh crap, he's seen us."
"Wha-?" He suddenly grabs me and kisses me. I wrap my arms around him and watch as the dealer comes towards us. "What're you two doing down here?"
"Just looking for somewhere quiet, you know how it is." Jake laughs a little.
"Hm. Get out of here." He narrows his eyes at us. Jake and I start walking back towards the seating area of the restaurant. I turn slightly to look over my shoulder. "He's going out the back." I whisper. "We need to follow him." Jake nods so we sneak out the back exit.

It's now dark outside. Makes sense. We follow him through the park, hiding between trees if he turned around. He stops at the far end of the park and sets down a briefcase. He looks around before starting to walk off. We quietly go over to the briefcase and look inside. It's full of cocaine. I start to follow the dealer. "NYPD freeze!" I shout at him. He turns and looks at me in surprise, I show him my badge and he immediately starts running. I put my badge away and run after him.

Luckily he wasn't too fast so I was easily able to catch up to him. He skids to a stop at a dead end. I grab his arm to handcuff him but he backhands me across the face and tackles me to the ground. His ring slices through my eyebrow. Blood trickles down my face. I punch him hard in the face and push him off me and get up. He gets up and kicks me hard in the stomach. I wince and double over in pain. He punches me hard in the mouth. I immediately taste blood. I throw him to the ground and press my knee to his back to keep him down while I handcuff him. Then I haul him to his feet and walk him back to where he left the briefcase.

Jake is handcuffing a man when I get there. He winces when he sees me. "This guy was buying to deal on the streets." I nod. "Let's get these to the holding cell and weigh this cocaine then." We take the perps back to the car where Rosa is waiting. "Nice job, you two."

When we get back, Rosa takes the perps to the interrogation room. Holt was waiting for us. "Y/N."
"Yes sir?"
"I underestimated you, good job today."
I smile. "Thank you, sir."
He nods. "You should go home and get yourself cleaned up."
"I will, once we've put this in the evidence room."
He nods.

Jake and I go to the evidence room and weigh out the cocaine. "Exactly 3kg! I love it when it's a nice round number."
"You're such a nerd." Jake laughs.
I laugh as I fill out the paperwork.
"Hey, I'm sorry I doubted you, Y/N. You did a great job today, I'm really proud of you."
I smile. "It's okay, you were just worried. I can understand that."
"Was it an epic fight?"
"Oh definitely, you'd have loved it." I grin. "I think today was really helpful for me, I feel loads better."
Jake nods. "You might not say that when you see your face." He laughs. "We should get going."
I nod in agreement.

When we get home, Jake insists on cleaning my wounds for me. I sit at the table while he soaks some cotton wool in an antiseptic liquid. He gently wipes my cuts with it. I grit my teeth as it stings. "I'm going to tape your eyebrow." I nod as he rummages through the medical supplies. He cuts off a small strip of tape and sticks it over the cut on my eyebrow. I wince as he dabs the antiseptic onto my bust lip. "He must have hit you with quite some force."
"Oh he did." I laugh as Jake wipes the rest of the blood off my face.
"There, all done."
He kisses the top of my head and I smile. "Thanks."

He starts putting the medical supplies away. "Looking forward to viewing apartments tomorrow?"
I nod. "Yeah, I hope they're as nice as they looked on the internet."
"I'm sure they will be, you just need to try and be less fussy." He laughs.
"I'm not that fussy!"
"Yes you are, I've seen how bad you are with stationary, let alone an apartment!"
I sigh. "Ok, maybe I am a tinyyy bit fussy."

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