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The day the sea comes to swallow the earth
The stars shall fall and cause disarray
Shortly after one's birth
He will cause doomsday

Percy was sinking.

The day the sea comes to swallow the earth--
Percy remembered green hills and the black skies in One's eyes. Poseidon killed him.

Percy was drowning.

The stars shall fall and cause disarray--
It hasn't yet started raining stars so there had to still be time

Shortly after one's birth--
One was born months ago...

He will cause doomsday
Percy's face flashed before him, almost completely out of sight because of the dark murky surrounding him.

Percy watched himself sink...

And sink...

And sink...

Until he was out of sight completely.

Death or Destruction, who will you help win?

Percy shot up from his sleep, still dazed from his dream. A dream, he reminds himself, that he shouldn't be able to have.

He was in the dark, but he heard breathing around him. His hands were bound at one point, but the weak chains broke when he startled himself awake.

The glamour was still on, at least it was designed to be, so Percy would just have to make up some excuse as to why a seemingly regular girl could break chains.

"Hey, girl. Are you alright?" Percy heard a voice. A very familiar voice.

"Who are you?" Percy asked, not volunteering any information until he was sure he was right.

"I'm Max," the voice introduced itself, confirming Percy's suspicions. "What the hell are you doing here?" Percy snapped, keeping his voice low.

"Excuse me?"

The sudden sharpness in Percy's tone surprised and, knowing him, angered the son of Asteria, so Percy figured it was a good idea to tell the hotheaded demititan who he was. "It's me, Clockwork."

"Your voice is way too high to be Clockwork's," Max said suspiciously. Percy rolled his eyes and dropped the glamour on his voice. "I will ask you again, why are you here?" Percy asked. When his question was met with silence, Percy asked another. "Does it have to do with Adrien killing Alex?" The silence shifted, yet it remained.

There was a clang of metal and light poured into the room. "Good, both of you are awake," Adrien said in a sickly sweet voice.


The voice in his head was unclear and distorted, but Percy turned his attention back to Adrien. He wore a lab coat, and his daughter was right behind him, holding on to his hand tightly. "W-what's going on?" Percy said, his voice disguise coming back on and him jumping back into his part. He'd apparently become good at expressing emotion because the fear that he forced into his voice fooled Adrien, as a glimpse of something passed through his eyes. Percy remembered it vividly, he remembered it after Adrien sawed the first finger off. The look of leaving someone powerless. A sick sense of superiority.

"Aw, don't you worry dear. It'll all be over soon. Take them,'' Adrien ordered, and people from the shadows stepped into the room. Percy hadn't registered their presence until they stepped into the room and wondered just how long they'd been in the shadows, waiting. Percy was grabbed roughly by the shadows as his hands were bound again with much stronger restraints and lead into the light.

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