Chapter Two

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Disclaimer: I do not own or make profit from The Lost Boys.

AN: I hope you enjoy this chapter.


Nina shot up in her bed when she heard a loud crash resonate from downstairs. She blinked her eyes several times, looking at her surroundings. She was on her bed in her bedroom like any other day. Laying back down on the silk sheets, her sleep fogged mind began to clear, She shot up again as memories from last night resurfaced.

A man had grabbed her from behind and pulled her into an alley. He had knocked her out so she couldn't fight him. He had tried to rape her.

But something stopped him. More like someone. They had saved her. The last thing she could remember was her savior saying," You're safe now. I've got you, baby."

They had called her baby. She did not understand why they did that or why the thought gave her shivers. Nina did have much time to ponder about it because Malcolm was calling for her.

"Nina," her step-father called from downstairs," get down here you little shit."

Nina catapulted out of bed, noting that she was wearing a black silk nightgown, and ran downstairs to the kitchen. Her blood ran cold at the sight that greeted her. Malcolm was sitting at the table with Melody, her step-sister, his expression murderous.

Shivering in fear underneath his gaze, Nina addressed him in a whisper," Yes, sir?"

Malcolm's eyes narrowed and his teeth clenched in what appeared to be rage. In a low voice, he said," Our dinner was supposed to be served to us five minutes ago at seven pm on the dot."

Nina gasped in shock and looked over to the clock in the corner. The time it read was six minutes past seven. I slept that late. She couldn't believe it. She never slept past seven am, and that was on a good day.

The sound of a throat clearing brought her from her thoughts. Looking back at Malcolm, Nina saw him staring at her with pure aggravation clearly written on his face. Slipping back into her quiet and respective voice, she asked him," What would you like for dinner tonight, sir?"

Malcolm tapped his fingers on the table with a look of deep thought on his face. After a few long moments of him contemplating, he finally said with a voice full of false glee," I think Chinese would be nice."

He looked over to Melody and asked in a soft voice," Is that alright with you, sweet pea?"

Melody smiled sweetly and replied," Yes. Thank you, Daddy."

Nina watched the scene with longing. The only person that had ever truly cared for her was her Grandma Elaine. She had died when Nina was nine and her mother, Maya, not even a year later. Malcolm treated her like his own personal slave. Making her clean his house, make his meals every night, and taking every beating with a silent tongue while Melody turned a blind eye.

Turning away from them, Nina began to walk toward the stairs so she could change and leave.

"Where do you think you are going?"

Nina turned around and said with a roll of her eyes," I need to change so I can go get your dinner, Malcolm."

He shot out of his seat and stormed over to where she stood. Before she even realized what was happening, his hand shot out and slammed against the left side of her face, the sound of flesh meeting flesh echoing in the silence. Nina tasted blood in her mouth but kept it shut, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing her pain.

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