Chapter 20

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I wasn't one who caught myself in drama. I never heard someone say something negative to my actual face. And if it was behind my back, it never found its way to me.

I didn't know if it was because of the people I had around me and in my corner, or simply because people honestly didn't have problems with me. But my siblings and I weren't raised to be extra aggressive or instigators. We were the peaceful type, knew how to be friendly but also cautious. Everyone knew my siblings and I were the last people you would catch in a fight.

The Williams family was chill like that.

Or so I thought.

"I'm trying to graduate, stop talking dumb." I chuckled as I walked with Kay down the hallway.

A crowd of people a little ways in front of us looked like they were waiting on something, catching my attention. My curiosity led me to step forward, trying to get in the mix and see what was happening. It was then that I heard arguing and understood the situation.

A fight was about to break out.

Kaylen and I were quick to push through people to get some front row seats to the main event. A childlike excitement filling me as I though about witnessing my first fight of the year.

My excitement dropped to the floor once I saw my brother was in the middle of it all, and he was furious. As he stood opposite to Jaden Brown, my eyes widened at how fiercely they were going back and forth.

And I seemed to appear at just the right time, seeing that when Jaden threw a punch, hooking Calvin right in the jaw, I was by my brother's side in .05 seconds to keep him from retaliating.

The crowd roared with people encouraging it all to continue. Catching a couple voices wondering if Calvin was going to just accept Jaden disrespecting him. Jaden even egging it on with insults of his own. But I was focused on two things, making sure my brother was okay and making sure he did the right thing.

"Calvin," I spoke in a warning tone as my eyes scanned his face. "Don't hit him back, you hear me?"

"Yeah, listen to your little bitch ass sister." Jaden taunted.

"Yo! I -"

"Calvin," I spoke sternly. "Let the dude talk his shit. We got more dignity than his uncivilized ass." I glared Jaden's way.

"Everyone knows all you're good for is riding Q's dick, so why don't you get back to that?" Jaden bit back and I felt the whole hallway get silent.

And in the next second, Jaden's body was being slammed into the lockers behind him.

"Calvin!" I yelled, grabbing his waist as his hands went to Jaden's neck, while I tried with all my might to pull him off.

I was losing, badly.

"Watch how the fuck you talk to my sister!" Calvin growled.

"Calvin, stop!" I practically screamed, Kaylen and Tyree stepping up helping me pull him back.

"Yo, Barnes is calling Watson!" Someone announced and I instantly started to panic, pushing my brother to walk away.

I'd be damned if he went down for a fight in his senior year.

"Go. Ty, get him out of here." I instructed. Tyree grabbed ahold of Calvin's arm, having to drag him away despite Calvin's urge to continue on.

"You got a slick ass mouth boy," Kaylen said to Jaden, with an attitude that was rare for her. She jutted her finger at him. "It's gonna get you in trouble if you fuck with my people again."

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