Chapter 49

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I sat in the backseat in complete silence, trying to make sense of everything that just happened in my mind, my hands and legs shaking as Calvin sped down the street.

I looked down at my hands, instantly reminded of the pressure of the gun in my grasp, along with the way my finger curled around the trigger.

I could've killed somebody.

That thought alone made my heart speed up. Leaning back in my seat, I took a deep breath through my nose. I glanced at Kaylen, who was just as quiet as I was, staring out of the window. And all I could think of was the fact that she was probably ten times more scared and scarred than I was. Her life was basically just in my hands and if I let her down... that would be it.

And I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

I just placed my hand on her shoulder in the form of some kind of comfort. I honestly wouldn't know what I would do without Kaylen, losing one of my girls would shift my whole world. And all Kaylen brought was brightness, positivity, and love. If I lost her, I would lose all of that just the same way.

It was just crazy to think about. One second you were here, and the next you weren't.

"I grabbed it," Kaylen stated, looking at me. She pulled Nico's gun from her jacket pocket, catching me by surprise. "The cops can't come for you about this."

"Everything okay?" Quincy asked, turning around to look at us from his position in the passenger's seat, Calvin glancing at us in the rearview mirror.

I looked between the two males. "What are we gonna do?"

"Keep quiet," Calvin responded. "That's the only thing we can do." Now at a safe distance away from the scene, he started to drive at a normal speed.

"You just killed somebody, Calvin." I reminded him.

He was acting like this was any other simple situation that we could keep from Mama and Pops. But it wasn't.

"Would you rather have it been me or you?" He asked as he focused back on the road. "Cause if we speaking on me, personally, Nico had that shit coming."


"Janae, he was planning on killing y'all. Was close enough to doing it to Kay, and you're tryna scold me for saving your life?"

He was right.

And I knew it.

It just didn't sit right to me that saving my own life had to take life away from someone else. No matter how much I despised Nico's existence, I didn't honestly want to be the one who took it away from him. I just thought I could graduate, get out of the hood, hear about his antics through the youngins, and have peace of mind knowing none of that shit came back to me.

But now, I literally had his blood on my hands.

And I was expected just to keep quiet and act like everything was normal.

"He's right, Janae." Quincy backed up. "The most important thing was finding where y'all were at and getting you out safe, and we did that."

"How'd you find us?" Kaylen asked. "I didn't even know where we were."

"When I realized Nae wasn't home, I pulled up to her house, told Calvin what was going on, and we pulled up on 7th's to catch up with his crew and they let us know he'd probably take y'all here if he was planning on what we were all thinking." Quincy explained.

"That's it?" I asked, unconvinced. "You just pulled up and they started talking?"

"Well, of course, there's more to all that. But it ain't for you to worry about." Q told me.

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