Chapter 4 - I came in like uh WRECK A WALL

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CW: caps, minor (wall punch) v10lence   ---   TW: fod

Headmaster Vaughn lead Naruto towards Wellston Private High School. Naruto was sceptical at first. An old man asking you to come to his school only minutes after meeting you is kinda weird. Or maybe he was just being overly paranoid. What could he say? He was a ninja after all.

Naruto only agreed to follow the Vaughn because he was offered free food, because who cares about danger when you have food?


As they walked, Vaughn introduced himself.

"This is Wellston High School. I am the headmaster, you can call me Headmaster Vaughn, and I'm very proud to say that this is one of the most prestigious schools out there." Vaughn motioned for Naruto to follow him. They went into the school, up some stairs, turned a couple corners and they were at the headmaster's office. There was already a man in the room, someone Headmaster Vaughn referred to as 'Doc'.

"Uh, gramps, why are we in a SCHOOL? Shouldn't we go to, I dunno, a restaurant to get food?" Naruto asked. "Or is this a restaurant disguised as a school?" He looked around suspiciously, trying to find the food. Behind them, Doc facepalmed at Naruto's antics. Kurama did likewise.

"Before we have to explain that this is not a restaurant and just a school, why the hell did you bring this random kid here, Vaughn?" interjected Doc. "And why did you call me? You of all people should know how much work I've got down there in the infirmary – all those Jokers running around – how long are you going to turn a blind ey-"

"DOC," said Headmaster Vaughn firmly. "This child needs help. And who else is more qualified to help than you?"

"He looks fine."

"I need help?" asked Naruto, confused.

"Yes, you do." said Vaughn in an exasperated tone. "Do you remember what you said about that fox in your head?"

"Oh, him! Yeah, he's a massive arse, he's always sleeping or insulting me every moment he's awak-" Naruto was cut off by an extremely confused Doc.

"Wait what?" Doc gave Vaughn an 'are you sure he's alright?' look.

"My point exactly" said Vaughn. "What's more, he had a ten-minute long conversation with this supposed fox half an hour ago." His tone was disbelieving.

"But it's true! The fox is called Kurama and I'm from a different dimension! I got here a couple of days ago and I'm trying to get back home and we have no idea what this world is like and-"

"So," sniggered Doc, "If what you're saying is true, prove it to us."


'Wait no Naruto showing your skills to random people you don't know probably isn't a good ide-'



"Tada!" the original Naruto exclaimed, pointing to an exact replica of him.

However, Doc and Vaughn were not convinced.

"You could just have a cloning ability," Vaughn stated.

"Hm, how about this then?"

Naruto and his clone turned around. Vaughn and Doc looked at each other, confused. They heard a whooshing noise, and soon, Naruto turned around and stuck his hand out.

"Voila! One rasengan!"

"Oh, and what does this 'rasengan' do?" snorted Doc.

"Heh, I'll show you the power of my rasengan!" Naruto turned around and pointed towards the wall. "Hey gramps, is this wall important?"

"Not really, but why are you aski-" Vaughn never got to finish his sentence. Naruto rammed the rasengan into the wall. There was a massive boom and a cloud of dust rose. Bits of plaster and chunks of wall flew everywhere. Vaughn looked out onto the pavement below through the jagged hole Naruto had made.

"..." Vaughn and Doc glanced at each other, unsure of what to do.

"You're looking mighty fine, Headmaster." Doc said to Vaughn, who was dusted with plaster, to break the silence. Instead, the silence stretched on for longer. The adults stared at Naruto, who had found a KitKat in the Headmaster's drawer and was now eating it with gusto.

"Zish ish vury guud!" Naruto said as he shoved more of the chocolatey goodness into his mouth. "Aahh, that was nice. You got any more, gramps?" He gulped. "Seems it was worth the visit after all, eh Kurama? Not as good as ramen but still great! Anyway, I should probably be getting on – don't want to be causing you people more trouble than I already have with that wall and everything..."

Vaughn thought for a bit. This child was strange. Very strange, but he has also displayed powerful abilities. Maybe... just maybe, he could stop and knock some sense into the problem child, John. Plus, if the child attended the school, Vaughn could observe him and his strange behaviour as well.

"Hm. Young child, would you like to attend my school? I'm sure that you don't have anywhere to sleep or anything, right? Since you're from another universe or whatever... My point is, why don't you sleep in the school dorms? You can attend the school as well!" Vaughn exclaimed.

"Do I HAVE to attend school? Studying is BORING!" Naruto groaned.

"Uh, we have free food!" Vaughn added. Naruto perked up at the words 'free food'.

"FREE FOOOOOOOD!! Yeah, I'll attend your school, gramps!"

Vaughn smiled and clasped his hands together. "That's great! You will be starting your lessons in 2 days, on Monday!"

'Kit, are you sure this is a good idea?' Kurama grumbled. He'd just woken up. If he was awake, he would've never let Naruto go to this school. 'Who knows what schemes are going on in that old man's mind?'

"I'm absolutely sure! Stop being such a wet towel!" Naruto exclaimed out loud.

"And there he goes, talking to himself again..." mumbled Doc to himself. He had a feeling that this boy would either become a frequent visitor to his infirmary, if only to bring other people to it. Either way, Doc knew that his life would become much, much busier.


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