Chapter 7 - Velociraptors can open doors, but walking piles of ramen sure can't

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CW: caps, minor (again no injuries) v10lence   ---   TW: fod

Naruto and Sera stood in front of room 13.

"..." they looked at each other.

"How are we supposed to get in?" asked Sera, bent backwards a little so the ramen wouldn't fall.

"I have the key," replied Naruto, standing likewise, "But I really don't know."

A proverbial light bult appeared above Naruto's head. He could use Chakra Mode for an extra set of hands to unlock the door – but Sera was standing next to him and, since he had just told her he didn't have an ability, he probably shouldn't use it. The light bulb gave up and walked away. Sera was also deep in thought.

"What room number is this again?" she asked, trying and failing to peek round the ramen to see the door properly.

"13." answered Naruto. "But how does that help?"

13... Sera thought she recognised the place. "And who is your roommate?"

"Some guy called Joe... John? He attacked me yesterday when I wrecked his door..." he saw her disapproving face. "It was an accident, alright? He didn't answer when I knocked!" Another proverbial light bulb popped up above Naruto's head. "Let's hope he's still in here! I'll knock."

Naruto tapped the door with his foot, balancing the pile precariously. Sera was surprised that he didn't fall over. They heard someone from inside yell "GO AWAY!". Naruto and Sera looked at each other again.

"Hey, John, it's me, Naruto! I can't open the door since I can't get to my key... mind helping me out here?"


Sera stood there, thinking quietly. So this was John's room... he hadn't told her his room number before, but she did remember Blyke walking down this corridor...

Sera took a deep breath. "John, if you don't let us in I'll..." she never got to finish her sentence because the door was immediately slammed open. Owing to his reflexes, Naruto was able to jump out of the way, ramen pile wobbling perilously. He breathed a sigh of relief when the tower of heavenly goodness stabilised.

"Sera?" Naruto's dormmate breathed.


"Sera?" John couldn't believe his eyes. His new dormmate was standing outside with Sera, both holding a huge pile of... was that ramen? He quickly snatched the massive heap of noodles from Sera.

"Hey! I was perfectly fine holding that myself, John!" Sera snapped at him. John missed her, even if she was angry with him. He hauled the tottering pile of noodles through the doorway and onto a table. The annoying, bright boy stood outside the door with a confused expression on his face.

"You know each other?" he asked. He seemed completely bemused.

"Well, yeah." replied John in an 'are you stupid' voice. "We're friends."

He then changed his tone and glared accusingly at Fox-Face (what, he had whiskers, alright?), getting ready to attack him. "You didn't do anything to Sera, right?"

"Well, no... actually I bumped into her when waking out of a store, but she was fine and offered to help me carry the ramen- WOAH JOHN..." Fox-Face (oh yeah, his name was Naruto, wasn't it) was going down. How dare he bump into Sera? John leaped forward in an attempt to pin Naruto against the wall, which was easily sidestepped, leaving him stuck on a collision course with the wall. His eyes widened, and just millimetres away from a broken nose, he was held back by a foot belonging to a certain orange ramen-carrying person. Naruto breathed a sigh of relief. He was clearly quite glad that no injuries had occurred and that his ramen pile was still intact. Dropping his foot, Naruto walked carefully over to the table and started organising the noodles.

An Unordinary ShinobiOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora