Chapter 3

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Draco slowly woke up, feeling stiff as his back was heavier than he was used to. The pull in his chest was still strong, although it wasn't as forceful as it was the night prior. He was thrilled when he realised that he had wings, he had an inheritance, he wasn't too weak for it! This also meant that he had a mate, someone to look after an protect in return for the same and love.

"Morning Draco, how are you feeling?" Narcissa asked, a tray of food hovering beside her as she opened the door to see the happy Draco admiring his wings. She was glad he was no longer crazed to look for his mate.

"Good morning mother." Draco said, turning to face her, the thrill he felt from having reached his inheritance glowing in his eyes as his smile almost split his face in half with bright white teeth. "I'm fine, I got my inheritance."

"I know Draco." Narcissa said with a smile, placing the tray on the end of the bed. "Happy Birthday."

"Thanks mother. Do you think we can look for my mate today?" Draco asked, looking like a young child as he sat, bouncing slightly as he looked at her excited.

"I don't know about that, you'll have to ask your father, I'm not the veela." Narcissa said, brushing his hair out of his face, placing a light kiss on his forehead.

"Will do. I can't wait until I meet him." Draco said, already trying to figure out who it could be.

"Well, we'll look for them as soon as your father thinks it's safe." Narcissa said, walking over to the door. "Don't be too disappointed if they're not a creature, or if they're not a boy."

"I know my mate is a creature, I can feel it." Draco said, his eyes bright as he thought of his mate.

"I'm glad you are excited." Narcissa said happily, turning and walking away.


"Brat!" Petunia's voice screeched through the house. Harry was still locked in the cupboard, the Dursleys decided that he was too badly behaved for going to Hogwarts against their wishes. They thought that he needed to be punished for that, and returned Dudley's second bedroom to him.

"Boy!" Vernon bellowed, practically tearing open, Harry could see the rusty hinges pull from the force. "Why isn't the kitchen clean!?"

"Sorry Vernon." Harry said, his head down, for fear of Vernon seeing the fear in his eyes and hurt him from it. "I'll do that now."

"Yes, you will, now!" Vernon yelled, throwing Harry into the kitchen by his hair. Harry just caught a concerned glance from Dudley, but it was hidden from Vernon again by the time Harry was able to get on his feet.

Harry scrambled to his feet, grabbing a cloth to clean the surfaces. He knew he needed to get everything clean as fast as he could. Judging by the time, this would have to be finished in the next few minutes before he was going to be forced to cook. If he was going to finish cleaning in time to cook without being cooked himself, he would need to be fast.

"Don't forget that you have work tonight, brat!" Petunia snapped at Harry as she marched in the kitchen, looking as though she had just stepped in dog poo.

"Yes Petunia." Harry said, his head down, scrubbing at a blood stain on the table. His blood.

Harry hated what happened to him, Dudley's friends and other clients weren't aware of the fact that Harry had no choice in the matter, they only thought that he was doing it to pay back his parents, not even knowing the Dursleys were his aunt and uncle. They didn't know he was being drugged into doing it, as they had never met him before. They thought he was just strange.


"Good morning father." Draco said, smiling widely as he walked downstairs

"Good morning Draco, happy birthday." Lucius said, regarding his son with a fondness in his eyes, remembering his own excitement those years ago.

"When can we go get my mate?" Draco asked, extremely excited, his eyes lit up in happiness.

"We'll need to arrange a few things first, but the earliest will be this evening." Lucius said, lovingly ruffling Draco's hair, annoying him as he tried to fix his hair in place again.

"Then we'll get him this evening." Draco said, after finally managing to get his hair in place again. He was holding his nose in the air like a child, and there was a sense of finality in his tone that almost made Lucius laugh, as though Draco was the one in control.

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