Lets Make A Deal

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My entire body went limp under his kiss, and I almost forgot that we had an audience. Heath finally separated from me, but left minimal space between us, "I could do that all night."

And I almost believed him.

Liam started clapping slowly and loudly, drawing attention from everyone in the few tables beside us, "Nice show, Dawson. Now I have to kick your ass."

Heath leaned back in the booth, "And why is that? I thought she was just your little sisters friend."

Liams mouth closed.

Heath continued, "Actually, if I remember right, I believe what you said was that she was just your little sisters best friend who is just completely desperate for some attention. I mean I could ask the guys if they remember it that way as well."

My chest stung. Liam's face was growing more and more blotchy by the second, "Shut your mouth."

"I'm just taking Emilie on a real date, showing her how someone can actually give a shit."

I was no longer enjoying this. I was ready to go home.

"Heath-" I tried to stop him but it didn't work.

"You think she is just a joke, someone you can take advantage of- but I'm not going to let that happen. So you can leave now."

Heath scoot as close to me as possible and put his arm around my shoulder. I couldn't bring myself to look Liam in the eyes.

"I want to go home, Heath."

Liam leaned onto our table, "He is lying."

At this point, I looked up to see his face, "You are right, Liam," his eyes begin to look hopeful, "We should stay away from each other." I walked away from the booth leaving both Heath and Liam behind.

Walking outside, I was greeted with a light rain. I knew my house was only a six minute drive from here, but I was about to figure out how long it took to walk.

My legs were beginning to hurt, my socks were soaked, and I had to pee so bad when a familiar car pulled over beside me, "Get in."

The car smelt of cedar wood and cologne.

"Why were you walking on the side of the road in the rain? Do I even want to know?"

I shook my head and looked out the window, "No, probably not, but thank you for picking me up."

"Do you want to go somewhere and talk?"

I didn't peel my eyes from the window, I just nodded silently.

He parked the car beside the hill behind the old church outside of town. The sun was starting to set, and we sat on the stone bench overlooking the town.

"Talk to me, Em."

I told him everything. And I mean everything.

"Wow. That's.. a lot.. so the night I came to see you, you two didn't sleep together?"

"No, Jackson. I know I lied about kissing him and liking him and being involved.. but I never slept with him. And thank god, because I was just a game to him."

"Then play the game back."

I turned to face him, "What do you mean?"

"Do you think Heath was lying?"

I took a second to really think about his question, "I don't think he was telling the full truth, I do believe he had a percentage of truth in his words.. but the look on Liams face.. he felt guilty."

"My guess is.. even if Heath was telling the truth, Liam changed his mind about you somewhere along the way."

My eyebrows were becoming sore from my facial expression of deep thought, "You think he really actually gives a shit about me?"

Jackson pulled his phone out, "You couldn't hear anything over my loud family at dinner, but we are out in the peaceful quiet now. Here."

He handed me the phone with the same video of Liam and Justin behind the gym. I hit play and turned the volume up to the max level. Their words were still muffled, but I could at-least make out a few of them.

"You don't get to lay your hands on her" Liam had Justin cornered. Justin pushed him, "I have already had my hands all over her once, and I will do it again." Liam punches Justin in the mouth, "I swear to God, Brooks, I will break your fingers if you go anywhere near her again." Liam threw another punch and grabbed Justin hands, pulling his fingers back. Justin kicked at Liam, "She isn't worth the fight man, she isn't anything special." Liam landed a heavy punch right into the left side of Justin's face, "She is worth every damn fight. So don't make me beat your ass again or it will be the last time you ever get your ass beat." Liam lands one last punch in Justin's rib cage then I hear Coach Martins voice yelling for the boys to get back into the gym, and the video ends.

I hand the phone back to Jackson.

"Still think he doesn't care?"

My elbows dig into my thighs and I let my face rest in the palms of my hands, "What do I do?"

"Let's make a deal..," he grabs my hand, "Will you be my fake girlfriend? I promise to make Liam White super jealous as long as you promise to keep him from beating the shit out of me."

We both laugh, "You are crazy."

He pulled both of my hands into his, "I'm serious though, Em. What better way to find out how he really feels than to take away his chance? I swear it will all be pretend between us.. I have moved on."

I shook my head, "Sarah won't believe us."

He grinned confidently, "I will make everyone believe us, just give me a chance."

The sunset was absolutely beautiful as I looked out and could see every building through our town.

"Fine, but it's strictly pretend. No one can know that this is fake, and I can call it off at any point and time."


My Best Friend's BrotherΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα