Alexander Jameson

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I almost bust my knuckles to pieces as I bang on the front door of AJ Vannatta's house in the middle of the suburbs of West Heights.

The front door opens and a well dressed older woman greets me, "Can I help you?"

"I'm looking for AJ, I'm a friend."

She stares at me unconvinced, but lets me in anyways. She points to the couch, "Have a seat, I will go call Alexander in."

Alexander. My eyes naturally roll at his real name.
A few minutes pass before AJ meets me in the living room.

He lowers his voice, "Why the hell are you in my house?"

"Hello to you too, Alexander."

His jaw tensed, "I asked you a question."

"Fine, you want to get to the fucking point. We will get to the fucking point. Did you give my sister drugs?"

"What the hell, dude?"

I grab the collar of his shirt into my fist, "Did. You. Give. My. Sister. Drugs."

He swung a punch into my rib cage, and I let go of his collar.

"Alexander Jameson Vannatta!"

We both turn to see his mother standing in the doorway. AJ dropped his head immediately.

"Violence will not be tolerated in this house! Get out!"

AJ motioned me to the front porch, and we stepped into the fresh air.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

I pushed him backwards, "My sister is in the hospital you jackass."

His face changed. He had no idea.

"Shit, I'm sorry man. What happened?"

"Don't act like you fucking care, did you give her drugs at the party or not?"

"I didn't give her shit," he pushed his finger into his temple, "I was too busy with your girlfriend and then beating the shit out of you."

"So it wasn't you. Was it Lex?"

He shook his head, "I doubt it. He doesn't peddle in that stuff."

"Then who the fuck was it?"

He leaned closer to me and lowered his voice, "Why don't you stop treading around here, and look closer at your friends. The main dealer at that party... was the host himself. Now," he waved his arms in my face, "Get the hell off my property."

My blood begins to boil as I pull out of the driveway that belongs to the Vannatta's. I call Grant through my Jeeps Bluetooth. It sends me to voicemail.

A call comes through, but it's not who I am looking for.

"What, Emilie?"

"Where are you? Your mom is worried sick and now Sarah is awake."

"She is awake?"

"Yes. Where are you?"

My brain starts running a million miles a second, "Is she talking?"

"I don't know, they won't let me back there. What's going on?"

"I'm on my way." Clicking the button on my steering wheel, I end the call.

I attempt to call Grant one more time, but no answer. Thankfully, his house was on the way to the hospital. I would have to stop by.

I knock on the door, Grants grandmother opens it.

"Oh, Hello, Liam! How are you?"

"I'm wonderful, Mrs.Linda, is Grant Home?"

She opened the door all the way and welcomed me in, she called for Grant to come to the kitchen.

He walks around the corner, hand out, "What's up, Liam?"

My arms tense, showing my veins, "What did you give her?"

Confusion spreads across his face, "What? Who are you talking about?"

My fist slams the counter, "Sarah! What did you give her?"

"Wait, how did you-"

"She is in the fucking hospital."

He runs his hands through his hair, turning his back to me, "Are you serious?"

"Dead. Now what the fuck did you give her."

Grant walked to the edge of the counter and leaned onto it, "Dude, it was nothing. Just some street dust, it was barely anything."

My blood started pumping and I grabbed his collar with my fists, "I swear to God, I will kill you. Go get in my car."

"What the hell? Why?"

"You are coming with me to the hospital."

I shove him towards the front door.

Grant nervously shifts his seat beat across his chest, "Why exactly am I going to the hospital?"

I chew the inside of my mouth to keep from completely coming unglued before we arrive.

I see Emilie sitting in the lobby alone.

"Thank God, where have you been? Why is he with you?" She points at Grant, annoyed.

I look at Grant who now has his arms crossed and his boot tapping the floor.

"He is Sarah's dealer."

Emilie's jaw drops open and her eyes flip back and forth between me and Grant.

"I am not her dealer," he shakes his head, "I literally gave her one bag. That's it, and she swore it was for The Brooks kid."

Emilie and I both connect eyes. I can tell she is in thought, her nose wrinkles and her eyes narrow. It's super cute.

"Wait... what if she really did get it for Justin?"

My eyes roll, "Then why was it in her bloodstream?"

"Hold on," Grand pushes his finger into his temple, "Bloodstream? Why is Sarah even here? Was it not an overdose?"

Emilie jumps off of her chair, "Car accident. And holy shit... her drink could have been drugged at the party."

"She didn't act weird, or drugged." It didn't make any sense to me.

"Not all people react to drugs the same, plus if she knew the person who drugged her- they could have done it after the party as well."

My eyes close, "Fuck. I'll be back."

"Wait, where are you going?" Emilie grabs my arm.

Grant jumps in beside her, "Yeah, where are you going? You drag me here accusing me of dealing drugs to your sister and now you are disappearing again?"

My chest starts to rise and fall with intensity, "I am going to find Justin Brooks."

Grant looks at Emilie, she now has concern written all over her face. She has yet to let go of my arm.

"Then fuck it, I'm going with you."

"Please, Liam... don't go."

My heart started to throb, my chest started to feel like I had weights slammed on top of it.

"I will be right back, I promise."

She held out her pinky, and I wrapped mine around it.

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