Wheat and Cow

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He turned. A cookie in his mouth. Hair and uniform all messy. He jerked his head -asking what's the matter.

 "Wait for me, Cookie!" She stood at her doorway. So very neat as usual.

 "Then, hurry up! I'm not going to be late because of you."

 "I haven't drink my milk, yet."

 "So, drink it up."

 "It's still hot."

 He sighed. "Alright, I'm coming up."

 Cookie and Milk were neighbours. Cookie's family rented the lower level while Milk's rented the upper level. Both parents worked around the clock to feed their family. Thus, they spend a lot of time in each other company. And they had agreed to go together at the first day of school. Well, actually Milk asked for it as she was nervous.

 Cookie climbed the stairs and took the mug of hot milk from Milky -her nickname. He then went inside Milky's home and poured the milk into a small flask which he grabbed from under the kitchen counter. 

"There." He handed the flask to her.

"Thanks, Cookie!" Her eyes brightened up. 

"Yeah, yeah...now c'mon. We're so gonna be late." He gentelly took her hand. Milky happily followed. Humming cheerfully along the way. Fifteen minutes after that, they arrived just in time for the school bell. 

Milky looked around. Everywhere she saw parents sending their kids to school. She silently lowered her head. Clutching tighter at Cookie's hand. He turned to her. His heart felt a slight pang of hurt seeing her so sad.

"You see, most of the parents send their kids only at the first day of school. And after that the kids got to go by themselves. Nothing to be so down about." He said matter-of-factly -keeping off any emotions from his voice. His eyes straying away -not wanting to look at her sad face.

Milky nodded weakly, "But at least, they didn't have to go to school alone for a day."

Her eyes began to mist. Jeez, not good...not good. Get a hold of yourself. Some people get way worser than you. She shook her head before looking up to Cookie -forcing a smile.

"Hahaha...Cookie, it's fine. I was just..." She tried to let go of his hand.

But, Cookie held her hand tighter. He looked at her straight in the eyes. Determination sketched all over his face. Milky's eyes got wider -confused and startled. She caught herself thinking, 'What got over Cookie now? Is he angry because I act such like a big baby?'

"You will never go to school alone. Not from the first day. Not ever. You got me. And I promise you that."

Milky smiled a little. And slowly it turned into a big grin. 

"You got me too, Cookie!"

Cookie grinned back. He patted her head.

"Yeah, sure, Milky."

She gave him a cheeky smile and started running. "Race you to class!"

Cookie was stunned for a minute before snapping back to his sense.


And off he went after her. "Just you wait till I get you, Sneaky!"

Milky just laughed. Enjoying the wind brushing her face.


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