𝐧 𝐢 𝐧 𝐞 : 𝙜𝙪𝙩𝙨

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"A home is a place, it can be the walls of a building, or the arms of the love of your life."

"And this is the actual training wing of the castle." Amber announced, as I witnessed hundreds and thousands of soldiers and horsemen training non-stop with being showered with their own sweat, noticing Caesar in the front with more tough looking guys who were inspecting every move.

"Is Caesar a trainer?" I asked curiously, tugging Zari's  coat closer to me in the snow.

It's funny to see how a person is sweating out in the freezing cold, and also when their bodies are less than a negative hundred degrees.

Very lovely.

"Yes, he was appointed by Zar personally. The other trainers were appointed by the vampires working under him." She replied, crossing his arms firmly as her breath was visible to the naked eye.

"What are you exactly?" I asked cautiously, not wanting to seem like I was prying, and she chuckled.

"My apologies for not introducing myself correctly. Guess we didn't really talk that well to get to know each other. I'm mostly involved with advising the royal family when it comes to negotiating with certain enemies to prevent war. I use my words to survive." She mumbled while actually letting the snow touch her bare arms, while I was completely covered in layers to keep myself warm.

Stupid vampire temperature.

"So basically you threaten people into stopping them from fighting?" I stated the obvious, and she smirked.

"Straight on point. But I mostly work under Lazarus to aid the suppliers of goods as well as a side job. When there's not much negotiating to do, I lay low and help the casual labourers so that some of them can rest during the winter." She sighed.

"Rest during the winter? Aren't they vampires too? I thought you people never need rest." I asked while being heavily confused.

"There are some human beings who were not supposed to mind their noses in castle business, and hence had to take an oath with their blood to remain loyal to the King and Queen, bounding them in these walls forever. We couldn't risk the whole village knowing about our identity, it would create chaos." She shrugged.

"Wait, what!? Bound forever!? They can't...l-leave? Like ever? Even if they promise to not say anything?" I whispered.

"Bound forever. But honestly, they prefer to stay here anyways, it gives them more protection. And sometimes if we are lucky, they'll be willing to give us some blood." She said casually while yawning.

"None of your don't really drink from humans, right? I've heard it's forbidden?"

"You heard correct. It's not exactly a sin to drink from humans, we prefer not to. We don't want to cause a massacre just for our thirst, humans have gotten our existence all wrong." She groaned.

I guess even I got all of you wrong.

"I see." I muttered, having a neutral opinion on the matter, as I didn't know what else to comment on it anymore.

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