𝐟 𝐨 𝐮 𝐫 𝐭 𝐞 𝐞 𝐧 : 𝙧𝙚𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙤𝙣

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"She became a peacock as people rained cheered towards her direction, while she danced and danced her heart out for that one drop of water in the crowd who possesses her ocean-like love." 

"What kind of problem?" I frowned, as I heard many people groan in annoyance and disappointment, while Cynthia looked defeated.

"We were supposed to have our fellow ballet dancer Grace perform for our guests before Lazarus' arrival. But she got into an ambush attack this morning, so she can't make it. She's healing her wounds, and everyone is expecting a dance for entertainment." She explained, as my eyes widen in horror.

"Wait, she was attacked!? Holy heavens! She'll be okay right?" I primarily asked, and Amber nodded reassuringly.

"Okay good, maybe there are some other dancers who would volunteer to dance tonight among the workers of the castle? I'm sure Grace is not the only ballet dancer we have." I suggested.

"We obviously have some more dancers, but they are not prepared with any practise. The guests are waiting desperately to have something to watch to as they impatience to wait is minimal." Cynthia groaned, making me huff in annoyance.

Again, people are eccentrically repugnant.

"Maybe the orchestra can play good music for entertainment in the interim?" I nervously laughed.

"It's not going to work, they are not wanting to listen, they are wanting to see someone perform. Grace was one of the best dancers in the kingdom, she even passed from the high ranked classes of this kind of art." Amber muttered.


"Wait, high ranked classes? Do you mean the classes provided in the village for the Prince and Princesses from different kingdoms?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah, that." She sighed.

"Woah, what a coincidence." I smiled, retrospecting my time as a dancer.

"What do you mean?" Cynthia questioned.

"This girl sounds familiar...Are you talking about Grace Archer? She's has corn like hair and a family dragon imprint?" I asked excitedly, and they both nodded while narrowing their eyes at me in a questioning way.

"Wow, I haven't seen her in years. We used to be great friends in those classes. Maybe I can meet her sometime after the ball." I mumbled to myself, and Amber gasped in joy.

"Wait! You are a ballet dancer! You can do the welcoming dance!" She chirped, making me almost pass out from her suggestion.

There's no way I'm dancing like a chicken in front of everyone.


I refuse.

"You can dance!? Oh my goodness sweetheart, how perfect can you be Diana? You dare lie to me by saying there's not much to know about you? Outrageous!" Cynthia gushed, as I gulped.

Just great, this is what happens when you open your big fat mouth Diana.

"I-I...I don't know-"

"That's it! You're even wearing a short dress for the occasion! It's like you were made to do this dance tonight, and I have a pair of matching red dancing shoes, I'll immediately fetch them." Amber excitedly announced before vanishing into thin air.

I should've listened to Amber and worn that dress.

"Let me tie your hair into a bun." Cynthia cheered before rushing behind me, before I turned to face her with a terrified expression as she frowned.

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