Chapter Nineteen

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The embers in Dryria burned even brighter after what was widely considered a successful assault on Agrelind; the furnaces were more awake than ever, re-forging weapons lost to the battlefield as well as creating new ones. The sparks lit up the night, so bright that it was almost impossible to tell dusk from dawn.

The entire city was laboring, except where the tall, black castle lay silent like a tiger waiting in the dark to make its next move, looking down upon its territory with burning amber eyes. For, deep within its onyx corridors even those of the highest status were yet awake, devising their next course of action.

Beatrice Hunter was especially proud to be included in such an affair. Sitting on a plush settee in General Bion's office, with the top-ranking officers and General Bion himself standing around his desk, she reveled in her newfound luxury.

"That was quite the success," one of his officers purred. "It has been a while since we were in so great a position to call the outcome of the battle."

"The Agrelindians think it to be a draw," concurred another. "And they do not know that it is one that plays to our advantage. We are in a favorable position indeed."

General Bion, sitting at his desk with a glass of liquor, set down his drink, the sound and smell of it permeating the room. "Yes, it is true we hold the cards," the Vampire said. "And we should play them while we still can."

"How then?" the first officer asked. "The King has ordered that we make no further advances."

"He still wishes to stay in the Demons' favor," the other added. "Which I see no fault in. We must stay within their benefit for when we need it most."

"Then nothing would get done," the General interjected coldly. "We could be waiting for another century. You know the Demons are just as allied with the Angels as they are us- and like the indifferent God they serve, they would prefer to leave all as it is and watch. In order to fulfill our plan to snuff all Light as it is, we have to break free."

"Are you proposing a mutiny, by chance?"

"But the King—"

"We shall deal with the Witch King later," Bion countered, cutting off the two officers. "... But for now, let us concentrate on the game we have just played. Beatrice." He snapped his fingers, prompting the Succubus to sit up straight.

"... Yes, sir?" Beatrice asked.

"I am quite pleased on how you handled our troops," he said, "... And how you fought."

"Thank you, sir." The Succubus smirked. "Just doing my job."

"Ah, but that's the thing." The General tapped absentmindedly on his glass. "I do not recall ever making it your job."

His cold tone made Beatrice hesitant. "What do you mean...?"

"I mean that you have proven yourself well to me," the Vampire replied. "And I would like to present to you an offer you cannot refuse. But before I go on... What have you had to gain from this, this entire time?"

"Gain?" Beatrice asked.

The General flicked his hand. "Nobody does things for others unless it benefits themselves. My officer spoke of mutiny. If I were to offer you this thing, how am I to know you will not betray me?"

"I have nothing to gai—"

"Silence, whore- or give me the truth."

Beatrice straightened in her seat before standing up. "Fine, I will give you the truth," she told him. "It is power. But power, I believe, is something only you can give me. So why would I go against you? You have already brought me to a position of my... satisfaction. I only require the power necessary to be in control of my own life from here on out."

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