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"No way

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"No way."


"Unlike you, I am not dead, so if I jump out of the window, I break myself."

Harry stands with his arms crossed over his chest, the slight breeze from the open window ruffling his dark hair.

"Don't be ridiculous," he says. "There's a vine strong enough to climb down grown on the side of the house. How do you think I used to sneak out at night?"

I do a double take. "What?"

"I'll explain." He sticks his head out of the window slightly, looking down at the ground below.

"I'm a minor acrophobic," I say. "I'm  just going to use the stairs."

He looks back at me, moving back inside and crossing his arms over his chest again. "Alright, you do that. And tell me, how are your overprotective and overbearing parents going to react when you mysteriously walk out the front door which is very visible from the couch they're sitting on?"

I clench my jaw.

He smirks. "That's what I thought."

"I don't even know why I'm listening to you, "You're a ghost, and you're asking me say, shaking my head. to come with you somewhere for some reason that I don't know. You could be a psychopathic ghost, for all I know."

Harry raises an eyebrow.

I put my hands on my hips.

"You're stubborn." His lips twitch with the traces of a smirk.

"I have good reason. I don't know you."

"Not yet." He smiles crookedly at me before reaching up and opening the window a bit wider. "Now, step out onto the ledge and slide down the vine. It's easy."

I stare at him.

He looks at me expectantly.

I know if my parents were to come up and find me missing, they'd absolutely lose their shit. God, they'd call the National Guard out here to find me. However, in front of me stands a strikingly handsome dead boy that mystifies me to the point that I can't seem to make good decisions, and I'm more than intrigued by him.

I turn and walk over to my bedroom door, twisting the lock on it.

"I'll tell my parents I was asleep if they come up," I say to him and his lips turn up in a smile.

I cross the room back to the window and look at him briefly before cautiously ducking out of the window and onto the small ledge.

I look at the ground below and try not to throw up as I turn my head to look for the vine Harry was talking about.

It seems sturdy enough to me as I wrap a hand around the leafy green stem. I take a breath and step off the edge, sliding down the vine and hitting the ground with a thump.

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