Thirty five

269 10 4

Harry pulls away from me so that he can see my face

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Harry pulls away from me so that he can see my face. "What's wrong?" He asks.

I sit up straight, unsure of what to say. I try to think of the best way to put all of this. I clear my throat slightly. "I...okay, so after you left earlier, I got really mad and had a total bitch fit in my room," I say, twisting a lock of hair around my finger nervously. "And I broke the mirror in my room. I threw something at it and it shattered. So...I was looking at it and...and..."


"There was...blood on the baseboard of it. And I thought of your autopsy report, and how it said you had shards of glass on you, and you had blunt force trauma to your skull-"

"So I was backed against the mirror," he says slowly, frowning.

"Yeah, it seems that way," I say. "And I looked for a stamp on the back to see when the glass was replaced and it said June ninth at Clyde's Windows and More. So I went down there, and they remembered the mirror. And they told me who brought it in." My voice had lowered to a whisper involuntarily towards the end. I stare at Harry, waiting for his response.

"And whoever that person was is most likely my killer," he says slowly.

I look at my lap, nodding.

"Okay," Harry says. "I don't want you to tell me who it is unless you're absolutely positive it was them that killed me. Are you?"

" Not positive."

"All right. Then don't tell me yet."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Down below us, I see my parents' car pull into the driveway. I stand up, and Harry does the same.

"I'm so close to figuring it out, Harry," I say, my voice low.

"I know." He half smiles.

And I know behind his smile he is conflicted-he wants to go to the afterlife, but he doesn't want to leave me. It would be selfish of me to cease helping him for that matter alone. I take a deep breath.

Harry's arm wraps around me and his lips press to mine in a short kiss. He pulls away and looks down at me.

"Be careful," he whispers. "I love you."

Color rises to my cheeks in an instant and I shut my eyes, nodding. "I love you too."

"Good. Now, get out of here before your parents begin to wonder about you." He smiles teasingly and gives me a light shove.

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