Chapter 18

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Leah POV

It's been a month since Dylan and I had our first date. It was the most romantic and memorable experience I've ever had and the day ended tragically. When Jamie got hurt.

According to the doctor, my impatient younger brother got a bit too overconfident and decided to go on a walk alone, where he fell down.

Luckily one of the kind soldiers was around and quickly carried him to the doctor. He had just hit his head and had a mild concussion.

Since then, I've been around Jamie a lot more and been watching out for him. Dylan joins us too and our relationship has blossomed into something magical.

We spent nearly every spare minute we have together, not knowing when this might end. With our lives in the line, every second counts. He's been the most amazing boyfriend to me and brother to Jamie.

As of now, Dylan is talking to some of his men and I am helping Jamie with using his prosthetic leg. After nearly an hour of practice, we decided to rest.

"Leah, I think I dropped my necklace. We have to go find it."

"Jamie, you stay right here. I'll go to the field and look for it. I'll find it ok, don't worry."

I quickly head out to the field in search of Jamie's necklace. It's the only piece he has in memory of his parents.

I rented the field, trying to spot a small ruby gem, attached to a metal chain. Almost immediately the sun shines on it, and I run to get it.

As I grab it and decide to head back to Jamie, I hear some hushed voices. One of them sounded a lot like Dylan's.

"I gave you a month's time to search if you found anything leading that Leah and Jamie are our rats. Did you find anything?"

"No, Sarge. You were right, they are innocent. If there  is anything suspicious, you would be the first to notice. I'm sorry for doubting you."

"Now try to find who the real rats are. We can't keep planning things if we are going to get exposed, Kennedy."

"Yes Sarge. I'm sorry for doubting you."

The first words that came out of the mouth of the man I thought I loved caused everything around me to stop. It felt like I was underwater. I couldn't see, hear, or feel anything.

My breaths feel shorter as my throat constricted. I slid down the Jeep, which hid me from their view. Covering my mouth, I try to hold in my sobs as tears stroll down my face.

Everything is a lie. Dylan's actions, words, and love was a lie. He played with my emotions to spy on us. He played with Jamie's emotions.

All I felt at that moment was hurt and betrayed. I wanted the ground to swallow me and never want to face that liar again.

Soon, my sobs became uncontrollable, as I just wanted to scream. I was angry at the universe, questioning why I was always punished and hurt.

"Leah... I"

Dylan froze, noticing the disgust, hurt, and hate I expressed on my face. I stood up and couldn't stop my hand as I slapped him hard.

"Leah, you have to understand, it's not what it sounds like."

"You said you loved me, but you couldn't even trust me. You sent you men to spy on Jamie and me. We're your words and actions of affection just to spy on us too."

"Everything I felt for you from the start until now is real. I never doubted you for a second. Please believe me."

"How can I believe you, when you couldn't believe me. I begged you not to hurt me, except that's what you exactly did.

You said hurting me is like hurting you, then why did you do this to us? I've never done anything to cause you to doubt us. We came to you for help, and trust you.

Don't you think Jamie and I have been through enough already? He thinks of you as his older brother, but you just took advantage of the adoration and trust he had on you. You used the love I had on you."

"Please you have to believe me Leah. I know that was stupid of me, but let me explain."

He went to hold my arm, as a tear slid down his cheek. Despite the tug I felt in my heart, I took a step back.

"Don't touch me Dylan. I thought I'll finally be happy again, but I was wrong. Just leave Jamie and I alone."

With that I wiped my tears and left to pack Jamie and my things. I know it's not safe out there, but we can't live in this camp if everyone suspects us. Also, I don't think I can stand looking at Dylan for now.

Jamie's health is improving and with the medical training I have been taught, I'm sure we will be fine. I opened the door to Jamie's room, seeing him play with Max.

Their relationship has blossomed over the weeks here. I wiped all traces of tears in my face and tired to steady my voice.

"Hey Jamie, we have to go. Get your stuff."

"What do you mean we have to go? This is our home now, isn't it. I don't want to leave. I like it here with Max and Dylan."

"Jamie, it's not up to you and this isn't our home, you were hurt and they helped us. Now that you're fine we should get going."

"I don't want to leave. Does Dylan know? He won't let us go. I'm going to speak with him, he'll stop whatever you're saying."

"We survived all these years without Dylan. I'm sure we'll be fine. Say bye to Max and we're leaving. End of discussion."

Reluctantly saying bye to Max, he grabbed his prosthetic leg and crutches, that Dylan made, and followed me out.

I prayed that we won't bump into Dylan, knowing he'll be furious if Jamie and I left the camp. As I see the door, I hear a voice calling my name.

"Hey Leah!"

Turning around I see Dylan's right hand man and best friend, John. Knowing I can't tell the truth, I decided to make up a lie.

"Hey John."

"Where are you guys going?"

"Just outside for Jamie's daily walking practices."

"Doesn't he practice on the field."

"I just thought a change in scenery will be good for him."

"What are these bags for then?"

"Oh these, um nothing. It's just some washed clothes I decided to fold, while supervising Jamie"

Despite my smooth lies he seemed to figure out something suspicious. Knowing I won't tell the truth, he decided to let us go.

"Why were you lying to John? Are we in trouble, Leah?"

"No, we're fine. The camp isn't our home. We can't always be needing their support."

Soon it became a quiet walk as we were both lost in our own thoughts. Mine being of the betrayal of the man I loved and Jamie's probably confusion and sadness in why we are leaving our new friends.

After a day's walk, we reached a small town that seemed somewhat ruined. I decided that we have travelled enough, and that we should rest here.

One of the houses seemed abandoned, as Jamie and I decided to rest there and escape the sun's heat.

"You should eat some bread and drink some water Jame. It was a long and tiring walk."

Immediately nodding his head, he quickly finished a glass of water and some plain bread. I wondered if leaving the camp was selfish. I knew it's unsafe here and that Jamie loved it there.

"I'm sorry Jamie"

"What for Leah?"

"I forced you to leave the camp. I knew how much you loved it there. It's just that-"

"Whatever your reasoning is, I know it's good. I trust you. You kept me alive all this time and I'm sure you'll do the same now."

"You're growing up way too fast."

I chuckle as tears form in my eyes. Tears for leaving the man I live, the betrayal I felt, and causing sadness within my brother.

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