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Jungkook opened the door of his house letting the cold air hit his bare arms which set off a shiver all over his body.

God, he could hate Taehyung for making him leave the house without a coat. He hoped that he had a good reason that he wouldn't let Jungkook put a coat on.

Even if he didn't have a reason, Jungkook could hardly be mad at him. Despite Taehyung being 'straight' Jungkook was clear of his feelings towards this man. He just hoped that his feelings didn't get too out of hand to the point where he would get hurt.

Closing his front door, Jungkook sped walked to Taehyung's black BMW to try and warm himself up as the wind was cold and strong.

Despite it only being September, the winds and weather where like winter. As if it was late November or something.

As Jungkook came closer to the car, Taehyung unlocked it so that Jungkook could get into the passenger seat. It was visible how cold Jungkook was from the goosebumps which covered his arms. Taehyung just hoped that Jungkook wouldn't be mad at him after he showed Jungkook why he didn't want him coming out with a coat.

Jungkook entered the car and closed the door straight after as he took in the warmth of the heaters.

"Happy birthday," Taehyung said in the voice which could have quite literally killed Jungkook right then and there. Despite them seeing each other just last week, Jungkook forgot about how deep and seductive Taehyung voice was.

Half of the time Jungkook wondered what it would be like if he were a girl or if Taehyung liked men. He imagined his low voice calling Jungkook his 'baby' down his ear as they made out.

But, unfortunately for Jungkook, he couldn't think like this. If he did he knew that he would end up getting hurt at the end. He just needed someone else to take his mind of Taehyung.

"Thanks." Jungkook finally replied once he had stopped fantasising about it Taehyung liked him as more than a friend. Jungkook felt awkward knowing that he had just thought about that and felt as if he needed to start a conversation quickly.

"Can I ask why you told me to come out without a coat? I'm freezing." Jungkook said begging that Taehyung explained himself before Jungkook got some sort of hypothermia.

Taehyung let out a laugh showing off his boxy smile which made Jungkook feel warm inside. If that was going to be his reason to why he didn't let Jungkook come out with a coat he would have taken it.

However, Taehyung had a better reason.

Jungkook was slightly confused as he watched Taehyung bend to the back seat of the car which must have been so he could grab something.

Despite Jungkook being confused, he couldn't help but stare at Taehyung's arms as one held onto the wheel when he went to the back of the car. It was so muscular and Jungkook could just imagine him using the muscles along with his model hands to ch-

No, he couldn't think like that. Jungkook and Taehyung were just friends.

Before Jungkook could focus on other features that Taehyung had, he had finished getting what he needed to get from the back of the car. It was a large box which made Jungkook confused as Taehyung handed it to him.

"If you don't like it then you can blame Jin because he said you would like it when I asked for his opinion on it. But yeah, happy birthday." Taehyung said making Jungkook presume that this was his birthday present from the older.

Thinking about it, it was kind of bad to think that Taehyung got him a present over his parents. A guy who he had met in person once got him a present over the people who he had lived with for twenty years.

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