Chapter 6 - Its just a dance

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Art above is an old piece from my other Alastor book. It's more fitting for that scene but I couldn't find any art for this chapter Oof-


"Well then, if it was nothing, I'd like to ask: would you care to dance?" Looking back to Alastor he held out a hand for you to take.

"S-sure," placing your hand in his he gently leads you away and to the dance floor. Vox's screen glitches a few times until Velvet clicks her fingers in front of him.

"You're going to overheat," she gives a slanted smile.

"I won't," the Tv demon and the other V overlord walk away from the Hazbins and to the demons with a higher status.

As the last song ended, you and Alastor took your places between couples who danced perfectly to each song. Yes you knew how to ballroom dance, hell you knew every single dance there was to know but something made you lose all knowledge... and you knew why... but not why? You know?

"Relax, my dear," he fixed your posture which you didn't even notice was wrong. "I thought you were the dance demon?" He gives a charming grin as his places itself on your waist.

"I am," you sneer. Suddenly the song starts and you were off, stepping from side to side you felt yourself tense up as he kept his eyes on you. You couldn't do it so you averted your eyes and stared at the end of your ball gown.

"Your confidence is shrinking," snapping your eyes back up to him you expected a smug grin but instead it was a soft glance.

"Feeling a little out of it," you turn your head to the side as he spins you out and back in, just catch sight of Velvet giving you a thumbs up.

"Anything I can do?" He dips you down for a few seconds just as the other couples did. You gave it a little thought as you flowed around the room in sync with the other dancers.

"Keep me distracted," you say with an unsure smile. He nods and continues to dance until the next song played. Over and over you started to feel a little more relaxed as he brought up different conversations starters... surprisingly you enjoyed and asked questions. You both talked about music preference which you appreciated. Of course he was a classy man and 'didn't enjoy the distasteful music played at your club' as he put it.

Both groups, being the V overlords and Hazbins, watched from the sides quite a distance away from each other. Though Husk and Valentino couldn't care to watch the you and Alastor dance, the others couldn't stray their eyes away. You both moved gracefully along with marble, laughing and talking, which they noticed that it took you quite a while to relax.

"I ship it," Niffty breathes out from next to Angel who was videoing the entire thing.

"So do I!" Charlie squeals, nudging Vaggie who was watching Alastor closely to see if he'd do anything remotely dangerous to you.

"Sure," Sighs Vaggie as she pats Charlie's excited figure.


"I hate this," but Velvet wasn't listening to Vox's never ending repetition of the words 'I hate this', instead she was videoing just as Angel was doing across the room. "I hate- are you even listening??" Vox grabs her phone only causing the doll demon to whip out another one. This cycle went on for quite a while, unbeknownst to Vox Velvet was using her powers to take back the phones he had taken.

"I can do this all day, Vox," she says smugly as the Tv demon failed to keep up.

"Whatever," he huffs and storms off to the bar to grab the strongest bottle of liquor he could.


"The dance demon already tired?" Alastor grins down at you. The moment he was meant to put you in a dip you reversed roles and dipped him.

"The radio demon losing his touch?" He rolls his eyes and gets up before resuming the dance. "But to answer your question: yes, I could use a drink and some fresh air," he nods and walks with you off the dance floor.

You both walk passed a waiter and take a drink each before leaving for the garden. The cold air nipped at your skin and the cold champagne was not helping. Of course Alastor took note and swiftly placed his coat over your shoulders.

"Aren't you cold?"

"Hardly, and anyways, it's the rules,"

"Save the damsel in distress?" You say mockingly, revelling in the warm red coat.

"You may be a damsel but I doubt you'd need a man to help you out of distress," you blush and look away from the overlord earning you a smirk. "Unless you want a knight in shining armour?"

"I think In most situations I'd be the knight, especially with Vox,"

"Submissive?" He says amused.

"A moron, is more like it," you correct as he laughs with the laughing track playing from his microphone.

"Tell me, why aren't you and Vox an item?" You shrug while in thought. Passing underneath a rose bush archway you both reach the edge of the garden which dropped down due to the fact the palace was on a cliff of sorts.

"I have my reasons, but to put it lightly... I have issues with relationships,"

"Mortal life?" You nod. "Would that mean you're not an option on any denizens list?"

"Why? You looking to ask me out?"

"I'm not against it," your eyes widen at his confession of sorts. "Anyways... you're problem with relationships could stem from the fact you haven't found a decent partner,"

"Maybe..." you mumble.

"Should we head back?" He looks back to the masquerade which lights shone through the almost sealed curtains.

"I may stay out here... it's a nice night,"

"Then this may be goodbye," he takes your hand and kiss it softly before turning to leave.

"Oh! Here's your coat back," as he turns his head back you try and hand over the coat.

"Keep it, it's a cold night," he walks off back through the garden, only his silhouette being seen from where you were. Peering over the ledge you sigh, not in content but rather in confusion. What was this? Was he teasing or implying? You've talked to him once before this!-

That's when you heard it.

You turned and saw it.

A single blast of red and blue light.



Chia seeds are god like

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Chia seeds are god like

- Anna ❤️

Dance with Radio Demon: Alastor x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now