Chapter Eleven

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"No way, did you actually do that? Like in reality?" He looked at Emmett, bemused at the tale that he was telling him.

"Yes, I was quite the trouble-maker, for you see, my Mum had to lock me up several times in our basement because I'd completely freak out otherwise." Emmett mused, chuckling softly at the memory.

"All over a chocolate, huh? You never fail to surprise me, grey eyes." He shook his head in amusement.

"Well, chocolate is the best creation of mankind after pizza, is it not?" Emmett questioned, earning a grin from the stranger.

"I just might agree with you except, I still don't believe you! Like it is astounding to hear what you have just told me about your aunt." He stared at him in disbelief.

"Yes, I am afraid so. Back then, I was not much of a loner and had this rebellious phase wherein I'd revolt against every little thing that I'd find to be morally wrong and my aunt from my Dad's side was just horrendous, she deserved that, in all honesty." Emmett shrugged nonchalantly.

"What? Deserved to be puked at? I wouldn't be that sure if I were you, darlin'!" He laughed before shuffling closer to him.

"What did you just call me?" Emmett couldn't help but question him absentmindedly for he was quite fazed by the endearment that he had associated him with.

"Darlin', do you mind?" He quirked a brow at him.

"No, I do not mind it at all, I was curious and wanted to make sure if I have-" Emmett started but was abruptly interrupted by him.

"If you have heard it correctly, yes? Well, I am not someone who is comfortable with labels, precisely but these nicknames are, but, a medium through which I can easily show you that I do care about you, grey eyes."

"I understand, it is rather fortunate that we are, for once, on the same page regarding something. It provides me with an immense joy, for truly I'd rather argue with you than play pretend to comprehend what belittles my interest, on a whole." Emmett reasoned.

"Yes, absolutely. I think that pretence is not a thorough way of living, aside from the dramatists and artists who, pursue this for their monetary gains, I do not think it to be a sanitary lifestyle if it is making any sense." The boy answered perceptively.

"I agree, yet the world is but a stage and we all have parts to play, do we not? I know that it is different from what we are discussing here, but I think that pretence has been ebbed into us like gems are to a gilded tomb. We find ourselves rather despondent if left without this mask of indifference. We are always pretending to be someone or something that we mostly lose ourselves in the process of finding the tether that would unplug us from this doomed falseness." Emmett added.

"Those are some wise words, mate. But one thing is clear to me now." He finalised, looking at him fondly.

"Clear? What is clear to you?" Emmett questioned curiously.

"That you are a fanatic of William Shakespeare. It is hard to miss those iconically famous references, darlin'. I might be a dummy but I know my quotes and this one, is my bloody jam, aye!" He exaggerated before chuckling at his choice of words.

"Yes, presumably, I wouldn't call myself a fanatic because I am quite invoked to inspiration, and whenever I read his works, especially his sonnets, I am remarkably motivated to follow into his footsteps. It might sound bizarre to common ears, but I do feel this connection with him that is frankly, unfathomable to express let alone confess." Emmett confessed.

"Eh, the lad is overrated, in my opinion. Plus, those sonnets romanticised the notion of love to an extremity. He was just a normal guy for me." Was all he could offer in response to Emmett's confession.

"Yes, he was a normal person in an extraordinary environment. He never lost his touch, his connection with his psyche. He was more of a poet than a playwright but his words have always provoked me to visualise a world of inconceivable beauty that is hard to amiss. And let me correct you there, his sonnets offered more than the romanticised love, for he had adequately inhibited the human love to the admixture of aromantic emotions." Emmett rationalised.

"Whatever you say, lad. But, enough about Shakespeare and his boring, ole' stuff. Let's talk about you and me." The enigmatic onlooker offered.

Emmett couldn't help but gawk at him rather abashedly and favourably for, truth to be told, he had become quite desperate to hear those words from his beguiling self. He was made of stardust, starry nights and daydreams of the universe, an alluring charm betrothed to lead him to his fantastical disperse; and Emmett, was a goner, he was a fool lost in a paradisical world of anonymity and contrasting symmetry.

"What, cat got your tongue?" He asked Emmett, rather amusedly.

"Sorry, I was just thinking. So, what would you like to talk about?" Emmett cleared his throat before looking at him.

"I don't know, but I am curious to understand why you'd fancy someone like me." He was quick to answer.

"Oh, I don't know how to provide an answer to that." Emmett faltered, he couldn't exactly tell him why he had fallen for him.

"Come on, just say anything. You do not have to think it through, it isn't a test, grey eyes." He pleaded softly.

"I think you just saved me, it is weird, I know but I think you caught me when I was hopelessly falling into an abyss of self-deprecated self-worth. Well, that is all I have got." Emmett professed, shying away from his intriguing eyes.

"Is that so, grey eyes? Did I just save you?" He mused.

"Yes, you did." Emmett gave him a firm nod.

"Well, didn't know that I was a doctor who could save lives. Thank you mate, for the motivation." He joked, rolling his eyes playfully at the unusual boy.

"Self-centred much, are we? Emmett teased.

"I take that as a compliment from all the greek gods of wisdom." He reasoned mockingly.

"You mean, Goddess?" Emmett asked amusedly.

"Same thing!" Was all he could say.

"You are adorable, did you know that?' Emmett couldn't help but ask him.

"Adorable? Someone is a stalker now." The boy stated, giving him a sly smirk.

"Okay, but I need to know why you'd go for me because it doesn't make any sense to me." Emmett asked curiously, he was rather nervous to know his answer, but the excitement had a way of overpowering the negatives and so was the case with him.

"No can do, mate. I'd rather not answer that question, well, not in this way." He blatantly refused.

"I don't understand? Is it something I said? If so, I'd like to apologise for-" Emmett couldn't help but frown at his answer.

"Relax, darlin'. I have an idea, it's going to sound crazy, but if you are up for it, then I wouldn't mind doing it." He consoled him, offering a supportive smile to an over assuming Emmett.

"Idea?" Emmett repeated, confused to what he could mean.

"Yes, idea. Would you like to go on a date with me, grey eyes?" He asked, with hopeful eyes. 


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