capitulo 2

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𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐚'𝐬 𝐏

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𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐚'𝐬 𝐏.𝐎.𝐕

I woke up to the sunlight beaming through the window, sending shattered rays of light dancing across the ceiling. The sun was blinding and I hated it. I enjoy cloudy and rainy weather much better. As soon as I got here yesterday, I ordered a pizza because I was too lazy to cook something. After eating I went straight to bed, I didn't even check my phone, and now that I remember I didn't take a shower last night.

I settled into bed to lie on my stomach while I spent time on the phone. I don't understand how there are people who get out of bed immediately. I continued on my phone for a few more hours before I felt my stomach growl. I got up after tossing and turning in bed trying to get the energy to get up.

Entering the kitchen I opened the refrigerator looking for something to prepare quickly but failed. That's why I decided to put frozen pancakes in the microwave. They did not finish tasting very well they tasted like plastic but I was not going to cook anything else because it was almost lunchtime. Taking the plate out of the microwave I sat in the living room to catch up with my shows. I was currently watching three: Grey's Anatomy, Criminal Minds, and The 100. Rewatching to be more precise.

"Oh hey, you here," I said as soon as I saw Reid enter the scene. How can this man be forty, he ages like fine wine? I think I'm a sapiophile, that's the only way I can explain what I feel when I see this man talking about things I don't even know its significance.

I got to see three more episodes before I got hungry again. I stumble on my way to the kitchen. My stomach keeps rumbling to the point that it hurts. I looked with some haste for something instant to prepare. I found some noodles that aren't supposed to be microwaved but to be honest I know that everybody ignores that warning, so do I.

I just stood there like a lamp in front of the microwave waiting for the minute to pass by. That minute felt like hours.

It tasted like glory.

I was satisfied with the food and I was bored to death. Should I work out?

I laughed to myself but I don't discard the idea. I sighed and fall onto the couch. Resting my head back and blindly reach for my phone. It's too early for me to even be awake. Yeah, fuck that. I'm going to sleep. Then I'll shower.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I proceed to remove my robe, letting it fall to the floor slowly. I stepped into the shower, my toes tingling as they hit the cold floor. I turned the dial releasing the warm drops that darkened my hair and trickled down my back. I drop my head back as I run my hands through my black locks.

The water continues to fall, as my mind fades and everything is a hazy illusion. The sensation of the steaming water calms me; it takes things out of my mind. All the things that honestly disturbed me. My mind is spinning and it's like I'm under a lasting waterfall. Always so peaceful and beautiful.

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