𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈 Men in Black

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Warning: Kidnapping and drugging...


"He's gone." You mutter into the receiver of your phone, taking a harsh drag of your cigarette. "All of his stuff, too. That motherfucker."

It's incomprehensible to believe that just a few short moments ago, you were drunk on laughter, enriched with adrenaline, wind billowing through your hair— and now you were bundled back in your faux-fur coat, trembling with rage, once again resenting Kylo Ren and everything he stands for.

Right back at square one.

On your ride, Kylo attempted to lure you to the club with him. With great effort you denied him, insisting he return you back to the premiere where you knew Jasek was waiting. You weren't going to abandon your drunk friend.

When Kylo refused to drop you off, you hurled yourself out of the moving vehicle and stumbled down 5th avenue, battered, bruised, exhausted, and thoroughly peeved. Heading back the way you came, you limped unceremoniously through the street, the money that had provoked the fight between you and Ren still drifting through the wind, collecting in billowing clusters against the sidewalk.

When you arrived back, Jasek was gone— alongside Ren's cronies.

"Cam down," Poe muses, as if this predicament is completely insignificant to him. "We'll find him. He probably went home with someone, dollface. Where are you?"

You disregard his fussing. "Don't tell me to calm down, Dameron. Ren is gone, too. I have a terrible feeling about this." You don't mention that you left Jasek to be alone with Ren, though you could curate a perfectly reasonable excuse for why you did so.

"I already have a team searching for him," he sighs resignedly, followed by the muffled belch of his office chair. "Just contact your driver—"

"Walter." You correct pointedly.

Poe pauses momentarily, agitated by your intervention. "Walter." He drawls impatiently. "And head home. Our men will find Jasek and bring him back safely, if not severely drunk."

You toss your cigarette onto the sidewalk, stabbing it out with the point of your heel. "Uh, no." You refute simply, exhaling a hefty cloud of smoke through the corner of your lips. "Jasek and I will see you later."

"Wait—" His fervent protest is cut off by you hanging up.

You power your phone off as you strut your way through the cold and to the fuming cadillac, where Walter already waits— you'd called him first. Goosebumps speckle your skin as you slip into the backseat of the car, exhaling an icy-vapor.

"The Club on Madison Avenue." You direct blithely without glancing up, adjusting the trivial coat around your arms, shifting against the leather. "You know the one."

Walter glances at you stoically in the rear-view mirror as he reluctantly peels away from the curb. "Dameron has already ordered me to return you to—"

"Take me to the Club on Madison Avenue, or i'll jump out of this car right now. It wouldn't be the first moving vehicle I escaped from tonight." You interject with mild hostility, holding his bewildered gaze in the mirror.

He sighs monotonously, smoothly switching lanes to take the exit you need. "You're something else." He grumbles, a trace of affection lacing his wiry tone.


The cities glacial air caresses you, smothering you with it's cold embrace. You convey yourself sluggishly along the sidewalk, face numb, eyelids heavy. You won't relent; pacing and examining the exterior of Ren's favorite club. You know he'll arrive here at some point, and plan to ambush him.

Dangerous Affection | Kylo RenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ