𝐗𝐈𝐈 One of our Own

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You lurch from the sweat-dampened sheets with a gasp, your heart thundering. You examine the bedroom, anxiously feeling your throat, eyes flickering over your darkly-architected surroundings.

You'd dreamed perilously of the attack in the hotel. Only when you unveiled the intruder, it was Poe beneath the mask.

"Fuck," you yawn boisterously, stretching your arms over your head, hopping off the high-rise bed. You yank off the loose sheet, bundling it around your bare shoulders. You gather your sweater and panties off the clothes-strewn floor, sloppily tugging them back on, hobbling toward the door.

"Shit," you snipe in pain, kneading your bandaged wound, stumbling out of the sultric, dark interior of the room you'd been occupying.

"Is anyone here?" You holler down the long, harrowing hallway, barefeet echoing on the battered concrete. "Kylo?"

"Hey," a low voice greets morosely, and you squeak, leaping away from the talking shadow, a twinge of agony rocketing up your thigh.

"Sorry, didn't mean to frighten you." The man says softly, hands up in cautious placation. It's one of Ren's men, one you hadn't truly interacted with before. You size him up bewilderingly. He's brawny and capable, but he radiates a gentle, nurturing aura that paints him vaguely unthreatening.

"Why were you just standing there?" You ask dubiously, leveling a questionable look at him, heedful of his quaint disposition.

"I was watching your door," he states matter of factly, flashing a fraction of a diluted smile, cramming his hands into his pockets. "That sounds creepy. I mean, I was ordered to inform Kylo when you've awaken."

"That's not any less creepy," you snort gravely, chuckling at the crestfallen look contorting his face. He rubs his neck sheepishly, casting his eyes to the floor.

"Sorry." He mutters. "Do you need anything?"

You consider him meticulously as he pointedly ignores your wandering gaze, scratching his nose.

"Yeah... two things, actually." You drawl curiously, and his eyes spring to your face, eyebrows furrowed. "One; how do I get out of this place? I have important things to take care of. Secondly; you're one of Kylo's men, but... what could he possibly use you for?" You gesture to him suggestively. "No offense. I mean it as a compliment."

"None taken," he smiles dolefully and bows his head, as if grateful for the implication he was standing on some moral high ground. "I am particularly skilled in de-escalating heated situations. And swaying people into choosing peace over... well, killing us."

"So, you're his master manipulator?" You smile teasingly, and he grins shyly.

"Yes," he agrees in earnest. "Exactly."

"And the exit?" You indicate.

"Oh, right..." he stutters hesitantly. "About that. Kylo has instructed me not to let you leave here alone."


He nods shamefully. "Sorry."

"Don't apologize. Let me talk to him." You urge calmly, gritting your teeth.

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