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( 🎲៹🦋*✧🌪)

chapter 003narrative

The girl laughed at the
boy who was standing
infront of his phone
filming a tik tok

she couldn't stop
laughing at him
and it has been
minutes .

" shut up blossom !"
mattia groans in annoyance

she shook her head , trying to
calm down .

" sorry!" was all she could say

short of breath from laughing too
hard that her tummy hurts .

Mattia sat down beside her,
he gently throw a pillow
at her causing her to fall over

she continued laughing harder
but this time at her stupidity.

Alejandro walked into the
room , he was now confused
at what he walked into

" shes cray cray" mattia
told alejandro.

Finally , she stopped
she was calm now .

Alejandro took
caesar the monkey
and cuddled with it

Mattia noticed , he frowns
and slapped alejandro

" not caesar !" Blossom gasped
at the monkey that flew onto the
floor .

mattia picked the monkey up and
hugged it tightly .

blossom softly caressed alejandro's
cheek that got slapped by mattia's
giant dinosaur hand .

Blossom stood beside her sister ,
Nailea .

" draco would not approve ."
blossom says as she admire herself
in the mirror .

she looked at herself and her
outfit, trying to decide if
she liked it or not .

she looked at her sister

" it looks great , stupid."
Nailea tells her sister

blossom frowns and looked
through her wardrobe ,
nailea helped her
indecisive sister
pick out an outfit
for her sister to
try on .

Finally , she made her choice
and wore the outfit her older
sister helped to pick out .

she did her makeup ,
picked out a bag
and puts on her jewellery ,
shoes and finally her mask .

she hopped into her car and left
the house again .

she was meeting Cooper
for dinner — the last time ,
she visited the SWAY house
Cooper wasn't around .He was
hanging out with some friends
or something .

This time , she got to spend
some quality time with her best friend !

She was excited to see Cooper
again . She was in France when
the whole world was on lockdown ,
she didn't want to travel home
because she was afraid .
She was trapped there alone
in her hotel room with no one
but herself . It was a good time
alone but soon , it got really lonely
and well , boring .

𝑩𝑼𝑻𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑭𝑳𝒀 𝑬𝑭𝑭𝑬𝑪𝑻 - VINNIE HWhere stories live. Discover now