17. Last Resort

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I was led to the black mansion that sat in the middle of the town. The Black Parade was known as the 'after life', in another dimension. It was a peaceful place.. until they go to war, which happens more often than you think. They are one of my main clients that no one in the company knows about. They supply me with materials and information. I often come here to make stuff with them and get feedback about different inventions. Jack knocked on the giant door. By this point I was shivering like mad.
"Oh my god, you're here!" Mikey had greeted me at the door "What's happened?" His voice dropped as he got a look at my face.
"I messed up" I cried out, stopping myself from bursting into tears. I had noticed that the killjoys were the alternative version of my clients in the black parade. This bunch were regarded as royalty here, as they served and worked with Mother War, who leads the entire place.
"Oh come on in, we will get you sorted," Mikey said taking me from Jack. "Thankyou for bringing her here safely," Mikey said to Jack before shutting the door. I had forgotten how beautiful this place was, it had high ceilings and as you would expect, everything was in black and white and it was done amazingly. I leant into Mikey, maybe this was a bad idea, because as soon I see everyone else I know I'm going to break down in tears again.
Mikey had led me upstairs. I could hear all their voices chatting away in the main office. That was where most of the dealings were done. My heart was sinking.
Mikey opened the door and I stepped in with Mikey keeping my eyes shut.
"Oh my god it's Louise!" Bob smiled and walked up to us immediately stopping.
"Something bad has happened," Frank said, I could hear him placing his guitar back in its spot.
Mikey led me over to the sofa. I sniffled and quickly composed myself. Bob had passed me a handkerchief. I blew my nose and rubbed my eyes.
"I am so sorry to just randomly turn up, I didn't know where else to go," I choked out.
"Don't be ridiculous you are always welcome here," Bob said sitting beside me. Mikey was to my other side and Frank and Ray had also came over.
"What's happened?" Frank asked looking at me.
I sighed "I got into a little situation, my dimension has been a bit crazy," I said biting my lip.
"You'll need to fill us all in," Ray said, "In your own time, there is no rush" He said softly. I nodded.
"Where is Gerard?" I asked, noticing the missing person.
"Down doing drills with the military," Mikey said, "He should be back in about a half hour," He said rubbing my back.
"Will I get you a cup of tea?" Bob offered standing up. I simply nodded.
I had missed being around these guys, they had been in my life for such a long time and I have had to keep them a secret from everyone else.
A half hour had passed. Mikey had rung for Elle, George and Gerard to come up to the office once they were off duty. They had informed them that I was back and to call me by Music. I had decided to wait until they were all here before I filled them in on why I hadn't been in a long time.
I had to compose myself before I saw Gerard, Party's face was flashing over and over again in my own mind. I wasn't ready for this.
I could hear them coming up the stairs rather quickly. They were aware that something had gone on, but I can imagine they were also excited to see me.
The door creaked and in they walked
"It's so nice to see you again," Elle smiled walking over to me and giving me the biggest hug. I sunk into her and sniffled again. This must have been a bizarre experience for them, they have never seen me be so weak.
"It's nice to see you too," I croaked out at her, I even managed a half smile.
I looked up over Elle's shoulder and made eye contact with Gerard, which as I expected, made me burst into tears again and break down on Elle's shoulder.
"Jesus, Music, I have never seen you this upset" Elle said, her voice filled with concern.
"I'm so sorry" I yelped out putting my hand over my mouth and calming myself down.
10 minutes later I had calmed down enough to be able to explain to them the story of BLI, losing Missile, meeting the killjoys right up to Party's death and why I was now sat in front of them.
"You're welcome to stay here as long as you want, you know that" Gerard said looking at me when I finished the story. The others nodded in agreement.
"Thank you, I think I just need to get my head straight" I whispered, fiddling with my thumbs.
"We got concerned as to why you had fallen off the radar, but that makes complete sense" Bob sighed, glancing out the huge window.
"Why did you not bring Ghost?" Mikey asked. "I get what happened, but he is going to be a mess looking for you," He said.
"They are better off without me, my technology put them at risk and made them even more vulnerable," I sighed, sinking into the sofa. "I don't want to talk about it anymore, I just want to catch up with you all, I've worked on a few more things and finished the commission you asked me to do" I said, desperately trying to change the subject.
I know that this was probably not one of my best ideas, but it got me out of that situation. Ghost and Missile will be taken good care of,
Thrill promised me that. 

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