Fairytale (Levi x Reader)

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"Good luck, (f/n)!" Hanji said mischievously, wiggling her eyebrows at you.

Good luck? What was that supposed to mean? You opened your mouth to ask, but she slammed the carriage door shut, and you were off.

You decided not to worry about Hanji, and instead, you let excitement fill your mind. After all, you were going to visit your best friend, the Crown Prince of Humanity, Nikolai Fritz.

The two of you had met under rather strange circumstances. You bumped into him at a club, not even realizing that he was a prince, because he was dressed like a commoner and gave you a fake name. You talked. You danced. And you eventually decided that you liked each other's company.

However, as your friendship grew, the truth came out. Nikolai had been hesitant to tell you, fearing that you would treat him differently once you knew about his royal status. But in the end, he didn't need to worry, because you were just as casual as ever. You treated him like a normal person, and he appreciated that.

Although, being friends with a prince certainly had its perks. Whenever you got time off, you could visit him at the palace, where servants waited on you hand and foot. While you loved being treated like a princess, you weren't just using Nikolai for the royal benefits. You really did enjoy hanging out with him. He was intelligent, and funny, and the two of you just...clicked.

Tonight was no different. After having a picnic dinner on the lawn, you and Nikolai took a walk through the royal gardens. He teased you about your hair's tendency to get caught in branches, and you teased him about his fear of snakes. You talked about the books you both had read, his boring state meetings, and your harsh training with the Scouts.

After an hour of this, the two of you found yourselves in the center of the garden. It really was a beautiful spot, with hundreds of gorgeous flowers glowing in the moonlight. There was a welcoming fountain in the middle, edged in white stone, which you and Nikolai sat down on.

At some point, without you even realizing it, the atmosphere around you changed. Nikolai was looking at you in an intense, unfamiliar way, and you wondered if you had something on your face. But before you could rub at it, he took your hand in his.

Then he asked you a question.


"There's our new princess!" Hanji shouted when you walked in the door. "Congratulations! Come on, everyone is waiting in the mess hall! They all stayed up to celebrate with you!"

Her expression faltered when she got a good look at your face. "(F/n)?" she asked worriedly. "What's wrong?"

Without a word, you pushed past her, tears filling your eyes.


You stepped out onto the roof, desperately wanting to be alone. Except...

"Oh, I'm sorry," you muttered upon seeing Levi. "I didn't realize you were up here."

You turned to go, but Levi halted you. "It's fine, brat. The roof is big enough for both of us."

You hesitated, but eventually, you sat down a few feet away from him. Even though you wanted to be alone, Levi's calm presence didn't feel like a violation. It was certainly better than dealing with the others. They were likely knocking on your bedroom door right now, trying to find out what had happened.

Still, you didn't want to cry in front of Levi. You tilted your head back, blinked away your tears, and tried to focus on the stars above you. Once you no longer felt in danger of sobbing, you dared a glance at him. To your surprise, he looked...sad. Almost as sad as you felt.

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