There's A Girl

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There's a girl in Merida's bed

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There's a girl in Merida's bed.

She isn't sure how she's going to explain this one to her mother.


Merida had noticed her attraction to women shortly after her 18th birthday. It didn't change much. She had never desired a relationship, and she was still determined to live free-spirited, without chains to bind her. Now she was 22, and she was feeling things.

She had met the woman half a year prior, when the world nearly fell into an all out war. Borders were crossed, battles were fought, and so meetings ensued. All nations pushed a representative to negotiate a treaty. Merida accompanied her parents. Many of the nation's leaders were women who had impressive reputations that followed them.

Merida met the notorious Ice Queen and her sister from the North. She had learned that they didn't live as far as she thought they did, and they started sending letters. She also met Jasmine, the strong-willed leader of Agrabah.

These women were impressive, and gave Merida some perspective of the strength she'd need once she ascended to the throne. However, the person who caught her eye wasn't royalty at all.

The representative for China was a young woman with dark hair and a casual demeanor. She didn't wear any sort of dress - she wore pants - and a sword was strapped to her hip. When somebody asked the woman where her guards were, she simply answered that she could handle herself.

The first thing Merida noticed was the woman's beauty. The second thing she noticed was her strength. Though the woman was muscular, she had a small stature. Merida was taller than her. However, when she stood and spoke, her voice rang out like a command, and Merida wished she could take some of that power as her own.

It was the night after the first day of negotiation that Merida decided to approach.

"You're the Princess of China?" Merida asked.

The woman smiled. "I'm not royalty," she responded, "I'm the Emperor's most trusted warrior and diplomat. He is too old to travel so far."

Merida smiled through her own diplomatic blunder and held out her hand. "I'm Merida, Princess of DunBroch. My family is here to represent Ireland."

The woman shook her hand firmly, her calloused fingers rubbing against Merida's. "Mulan."


This became Merida's routine for the entire two weeks of negotiations. Whenever the meeting for the day adjourned, she'd catch up to Mulan, and they'd spend the rest of the day together. Merida learned about Mulan's life, how she pretended to be a man to fill in for her crippled father during a war in China. She learned that Mulan used her wit to expel their enemies from the mainland and keep her entire country safe.

Merida told Mulan about her own life back in Ireland, how she was to get married to a man who won a competition, and how she competed for her own hand and won. She thought that Mulan might be weirded out that her mother turned into a bear, but Mulan only laughed and confessed that her partner in crime was a talking dragon.

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