The Fnaf gang getting kidnapped

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Funtime Freddy: "Do you know who I am?"

Toy Bonnie: Bribes the kidnapper and gets them to take him back home

Foxy: Is a serial killer and makes the kidnapper his victim

Bonnie: "Lmao why do you wanna kidnap me?"

Toy Chica: "You kidnapped me because I'm pretty, didn't you?"

Baby: "Your dumbass better take me to McDonald's or else I'm leaving!"

Freddy: *Engages in a heated diplomatic argument with kidnapper*

Mangle: "If you don't let me go right now, I will punch you in the balls."

Toy Freddy: *Goes along with it and escapes when the kidnapper isn't looking*

Funtime Foxy: "This is not okay..."

Chica: "You insecure little shit, you're a low life."

Ballora: *Comes up with an elaborate plan including backup and grenades*

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