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So, if I've heard correctly, I'm supposed to be the fairest of them all. Uhum, (cough) look at me. I'm ugly, yes ugly. All that about skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as coal. It's true. But, did you ever stop to think how that would look. It's awful.

Think I look nice above, well that's because I'm wearing three inches of makeup

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Think I look nice above, well that's because I'm wearing three inches of makeup. If you saw me without any (which is most of the time), you would probably scream...

By the way, my real name is Sage. However, everyone calls me Blanche. Why? Because everyone blanches at the sight of me. Hahahaa! Very funny. Unfortunately, even my own father calls me Blanche. (Sigh) He didn't use to be that way...

It all started when my mother died after giving birth to me. My dad, having been so close to her, was devastated, and vowed to no longer attach himself to mortal things. As a result, he became a cruel, and greedy king. Oh yes, I forget to mention it earlier, I'm a princess.

Anyway, through the years, I attempted to make up for my father's cruelty. Most of the time I was successful. However, one day, I was caught. My father was furious. Not to mention he already resented the comments he received about my ugliness. So, I was punished very severely.

In fact, I was taken into the woods (far, far away from the castle) and left to fend for myself; banished from my father's sight. Wonderful.

The servant, having a kind heart, left me a hunk of bread. I took it and watched the servant retrace his steps. Dark clouds were rolling in, and it began to rain. Could it get any worse?

Apparently, it could. It fact, the rain, and clouds turned into a full-blown thunderstorm. I shivered, soaked to the skin. Well, just standing there wasn't going to get me anywhere. So, I turned and advanced further into the woods, searching for shelter.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck the tree next to me. It fell with a huge crash, pinning me under it. The pain enveloped me, and I lost consciousness.

When I awoke, I found myself in a small, and I mean SMALL, hut. I sat up, and saw that I was in the middle of a circle of dwarves.

"Ah, she's awake," stated one of them.

"What's your name?" asked another.

"Sage, but everyone calls me Blanche," I answered.

"Why 'Blanche'?" the same one asked.

"Because everyone blanches at the sight of me," I stated simply.

There was no use in indulging in self-pity. It wouldn't get me anywhere.

"Welcome to the clan of outcasts!" they all cried.

"What? But aren't you bandits or hermits or something like that?" I queried, surprised.

"Well," the first one explained, "we weren't always as we are now. But, the King, wished to have no 'defective' people in his kingdom. So, we were cast out of our village and forced to be robbers for a living. No of us enjoy it, but we have no choice..." he sighed.

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